The A-Z of Social Research
A Dictionary of Key Social Science Research Concepts
- Robert Lee Miller - Queen's University Belfast, UK
- John D Brewer - Trinity College, Ireland
Have you ever wondered what a concise, comprehensive book providing critical guidance to the whole expanse of social science research methods and issues might look like? The A-Z is a collection of 94 entries ranging from qualitative research techniques to statistical testing and the practicalities of using the Internet as a research tool. Alphabetically arranged in accessible, reader-friendly formats, the shortest entries are 800 words long and the longest are 3000. Most entries are approximately 1500 words in length and are supported by suggestions for further reading. The book:
- Answers the demand for a practical, fast and concise introduction to the key concepts and methods in social research
- Supplies students with impeccable information that can be used in essays, exams and research projects
- Demystifies a field that students often find daunting
This is a refreshing book on social research methods, which understands the pressures that modern students face in their work-load and seeks to supply an authoritative study guide to the field. It should fulfil a long-standing need in undergraduate research methods courses for an unpatronising, utterly reliable aid to making sense of research methods.
`I think the book is likely to appeal to a wider audience than students, as medical colleagues and those less familiar with social research attempt to find out more about the terms and concepts they encounter' - Medical Sociology News
An innovative and engage approach to social research
I like this book. There are some interesting sections e.g. Grounded theory. However the layout is not easy yo navigate - topics are not necessarily where you would expect to find them.
This text provides concise definitions of terminology encountered by students undertaking research. The text would benefit from updating some of the suggestions for further reading.
this book is not up to date in my opinion...needs a revised edition
A very useful reference point for students and novice researchers.
This is fantastic. If a student feels lost, confused, bemused this clear A-Z of social science research methods and issues will stop the terrified tremors of 'I just don't understand'. Practical and demystifying.
Terminology that ALL researchers need!