SAGE Open Nursing
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SAGE Open Nursing (SON) is a peer-reviewed open access journal which covers all aspects of nursing and patient care across the various nursing specialties and related disciplines. Please see the Aims and Scope tab for further information.
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SAGE Open Nursing (SON) is a peer reviewed, open access journal that covers all aspects of nursing and patient care across the various nursing specialties and related disciplines. It seeks to be one of the world’s premier open access outlets for nursing, and serves as an inclusive voice in the areas of nursing research, education, administration, operations, leadership, and practice.
As such, SON does not limit content due to page budgets or thematic significance. Papers are subjected to rigorous peer review and are selected based on whether the research is sound and deserves publication.
Target Audience
Nursing students, nurses, nurse practitioner students, nurse practitioners, nurse managers and executives, as well as related disciplines such as healthcare administrators, nutritionists, psychologists, physician assistants, etc.
Article Types
Original research articles (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research articles), quality improvement articles/reports, review articles, systematic reports, practice updates, case reports, letters to the editor, and commentaries.
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Our goal is to publish sound science. This means we look for research that adheres to ethical standards, uses robust methodologies that are transparent and reproducible, and uses appropriate statistical analyses to ensure clear, credible, and trustworthy results. We care more about the quality and reliability of the contribution an article makes than we do the size of that contribution. Sage Open Nursing evaluates manuscripts based on how the research was conducted and reported.
Concettina (Tina) Tolomeo, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, AE-C | Yale School of Medicine, USA |
Judie Arulappan, RN, RM, MSN, PHD, DNSC | Sultan Qaboos University, Oman |
Daniel Joseph E. Berdida, PhD, RN, RM | University of Santo Tomas, Philippines |
Lila de Tantillo, PhD, MS, APRN, FNP-BC | The University of Southern Mississippi, MS, USA |
Charlene Downing, PhD | University of Johannesburg, South Africa |
Jacopo Fiorini, PhD | University Hospital of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy |
Nasrin Hanifi | Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Iran |
Abdelaziz Hendy, RN, PhD | Ain Shams University, Egypt |
Adnan Innab, PhD, REM, MSN, BSN, RN | King Saud University College of Nursing, Saudi Arabia |
I Gede Juanamasta, PhD | STIKES Wira Medika Bali, Indonesia |
Leung Yuen Ling, DN | Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong |
Zakaria A. Mani, PhD | Jazan University, Saudi Arabia |
Dr. Mona Gamal Mohamed, PhD, MSc | RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, College of Nursing, United Arab Emirates |
Nompumelelo Ntshingila | DCur Psyciatric Nursing, University of Johannesburg, South Africa |
Phyllis Shanley Hansell, BSN, Med, EdD | Seton Hall University, USA |
Robbert J. J. Gobbens, PhD, MScN | Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands |
Kathy K. Wright, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC | Chatham University, USA |
Fahad M. Alhowaymel, PhD, RN | Shaqra University Department of Nursing, Saudi Arabia |
Suhailah M. Ali, PhD, MSc, BSc | University of Kirkuk, Iraq |
Helena Blomberg, PhD | Mälardalen University, Sweden |
Martha A. Boulton, DNP, MSN, MS, BSN | Changing Perspectives LLP, USA |
Monica Fletcher, OBE | GlaxoSmithKline, UK |
Maureen George, PhD, RN, AE-C, FAAN | Columbia University School of Nursing, USA |
Loreena Hill, PhD, MSc, ISP, BSc, RGN | Queen's University, Ireland |
Eleanor C. Hunt, DNP, RN-BC, CPHIMS, CNE | Western Governors University, USA |
Linda Keilman, DNP, GNP-BC, FAANP | Michigan State University, College of Nursing, USA |
Lisa Lewis, EdD, MSN, RN, CNE | Duke University School of Nursing, USA |
Jenna A. LoGiudice, PhD, CNM, RN | Fairfield University, USA |
Gianluca Pucciarelli, RN, PhD | University of Rome Tor Vergata , Italy |
Lisa M. Rebeschi, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE | Quinnipiac University, USA |
Miho Satoh, PhD | Yokohama City University, Japan |
Izabella Uchmanowicz, Prof., RN, PhD, FESC | Wroclaw Medical University, Poland |
Mojtaba Vaismoradi, Prof., PhD, MScN, BScN | Nord University, Bodø, Norway |
Anita Wilson, AAS, RN, BSN, MSN, ANP-C, FNP-C | Washington University School of Medicine, USA |
Nina Anne Zimmermann, EdD, APRN, ANP-BC | Maryville University, Catherine McAuley School of Nursing, USA |
Fathya Abdelrazek, RN, PhD | Suez Canal University, Egypt |
Prof. Dr Ebtsam Abou Hashish | Alexandria University, Egypt |
Mohammad Hamdi Abuadas, RN, MSN, PhD | Al-Yarmouk University, Jordan |
Nicole Adams, PhD, RN, CEN | Purdue University, USA |
Janet Alexis A. De los Santos, PhD, RN | Visayas State University, Philippines |
Maryam Alharrasi | Sultan Qaboos University, Oman |
Fahad M. Alhowaymel, PhD, RN | Shaqra University Department of Nursing, Saudi Arabia |
Kim Amer, PhD, RN | DePaul University, School of Nursing, Chicago |
Adam Astrada, DHSc., CNS, RN | Esa Unggul University, Indonesia |
Mustafa Atee, PhD, MPharm (Clin Pharm), PostGradDipPharm, BPharm | Curtin University, Australia |
Ahmad Ayed, PhD | Arab American University, Palestine |
R. Mauricio Barría P., RN, MSc. DrPH | Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile |
Gunilla Björling, PhD, RN | Jönköping University, Sweden |
Louise Bouic, PhD, MA, PgDip, BSc (Hons), RN | University of Wolverhampton, UK |
Helga Bragadóttir, PhD | University of Iceland, Iceland |
Joset E. Brown, EdD, MSN, RN | William Paterson University, USA |
Sarah Butler, MSc | University of Hull, UK |
Jie Chen, PhD, MSN, RN | Northern Illinois University, USA |
Francesco Chirico, MD | Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy |
Nicholas Yakubu Danzima, PhD | University for Development Studies, Ghana |
Erin Donovan, Ed.D., MSN, RN, CNE | Colorado Mesa University, USA |
Candida Durao, RN, MSN | Nursing School of Lisbon, Portugal |
Nirosha Priyadarshani Edirisinghe, PhD. | University of Colombo, Sri Lanka |
Heba Emad El-Gazar, PhD | Faculty of Nursing, Port Said University, Egypt |
Joyce Arlene Ennis, PhD | Texas Woman's University, USA |
Jacopo Fiorini, PhD | University Hospital of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy |
Márcio Flávio Araújo, PhD, RN | Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Mary K. Gaffney, EdD, MSN | University of South Carolina Aiken, USA |
Krupa Gandhi, MPH, MHA, BHMS | Thomas Jefferson University, USA |
Yitka N. Graham, PhD, BSc, FTOS, CMgr, FRSA | University of Sunderland, UK |
Joko Gunawan, PhD | Chulalongkorn University, Thailand |
Haryanto Haryanto, PhD | Institute Technology and Health Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan, Indonesia |
Carey Haugen, DNP, APRN, AGCNS-BC | Mayville State University Division of Nursing, USA |
Yolanda Havenga, PhD RN | Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa |
Abdelaziz Hendy, RN, PhD | Ain Shams University, Egypt |
Elizabeth K. Herron, PhD, RN, CNE, CHSE, CNL | James Madison University School of Nursing, USA |
Ahmad Hussien Rayan, PhD | Zarqa University, Jordan |
Adnan Innab, PhD, REM, MSN, BSN, RN | King Saud University College of Nursing, Saudi Arabia |
Suhartini Ismail, RN., PhD | Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia |
Kashica J. Webber-Ritchey, PhD, MHA, RN | DePaul University, College of Science and Health, School of Nursing, USA |
I Gede Juanamasta, PhD | STIKES Wira Medika Bali, Indonesia |
SuJung Jung, PhD, GNP | Semyung University, South Korea |
Gul Sahin Karaduman, PhD, RN | University of Health Sciences, Turkey |
Rachel Wangari Kimani, DNP, CHNP, FNP,RN | Rockefeller University, USA |
Ariana R. Komaroff, DNP, FNP-BC, IBCLC | Columbia University School of Nursing, New York, NY, USA |
Joann Kovacich, PhD | University of Phoenix, USA |
Patel Kushagra D, MD | MUHS Nashik, India |
Julian L. Gallegos, PhD, MBA, FNP-BC, CNL, CMHE, FAUNA | Purdue University, USA |
Hua Li, RN MPH PhD | University of Saskatchewan, Canada |
Fernanda Loureiro, PhD | Egas Moniz School of Health & Science, Portugal |
Ana Catarina Maia, PhD | Higher Nursing School of Lisbon, Portugal |
Lilly Mathew,PhD RN, NPD-BC | CUNY School of Professional Studies, USA |
Janet Mattsson, RN, BSc, CCN, PhD | University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway |
Jacqueline Michaels, PhD, RN, CNE | SUNY Empire State College School of Nursing and Allied Health, USA |
Dr. Mona Gamal Mohamed, PhD, MSc | RAK Medical and Health Sciences University, College of Nursing, United Arab Emirates |
Prof. Paulo Moreira, Ph.D | Shandong Qianfoshan Provincial Hospital, Shandong Medical University, China |
Zhao Ni, PhD, RN | Yale University, USA |
Yasmine Osman, MSc | Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan |
Melissa R. Penkalski, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, AE-C | Missouri State University, USA |
April Phillips, DNP, FNP-C, PMHNP-BC | Frontier Nursing University, USA |
Cynthia Pomaa Akuoko, RN, BSc, MSc, PhD, FHEA | Christian Service University College, Ghana |
Manju A. K. Rajora, PhD Nursing, M.Sc. Nursing, B.Sc. Hons. Nursing | All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), India |
Dara Rasoal, RN, Phil, PhD | Dalarna University, Sweden |
Maria A. Revell, PhD, MSN, RN, COI | Tennessee State University, USA |
Sandra Sharp, PhD, MScAP, RN | Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland |
Katherine D. Shue-McGuffin, DNP, MSN, APRN, FNP-C | The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA |
Carmen Josefa Sierra, DNP | University of Miami, USA |
Saumya P. Srivastava | Vivekananda College of Nursing, India |
Dr Linda Tinkler | Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK |
Nestor Tomas, MPH | University of Namibia, Namibia |
Suharno Usman, MN, RN | University of Sam Ratulangi, Indonesia |
Prof. Dr. Krishna Vaishnavi P, Ph.D(N), M.Sc(N), MBA, PGDES | Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences, India |
Julee B. Waldrop, DNP, FNP, PNP, SANE-A, CNE, FAANP, FAAN | Duke University School of Nursing, USA |
Sarah Ward | University of Cumbria, UK |
Marie-Lee Yous, RN, BScN, MSc, PhD | McMaster University, Canada |
Dr. Mohamed Zoromba, PhD, MSc, RN | College of Nursing, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.