Qualitative Content Analysis
Methods, Practice and Software
- Udo Kuckartz - Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
- Stefan Rädiker - Freelance Consultant
Qualitative Research (General) | Qualitative Software | Sociological Research Methods
This hands-on guide to qualitative content analysis from two internationally renowned experts provides you with a clear strategy for analysing your data, whether you are working with social media content, field notes, images, narratives or focus group data. Using qualitative interviews as an example, the book provides a clear structure for approaching your analysis that can be adapted for your research project.
Explaining how qualitative content analysis differs from quantitative methods, the book provides you with:
•a solid understanding of the principles behind QCA
•a step-by-step guide to three types of QCA
•guidance on how you can use software to enhance your analysis.
The authors’ experience as teachers and practitioners of qualitative analysis methods shines throughout this clearly written, well-structured, and stimulating text. Written guidance, supported by an abundance of illustrative examples, provides a thorough foundation that supports strategies for systematically categorising and analysing qualitative data that build from simple description to complex typology development.
Udo Kuckartz and Stefan Rädiker, have authored an easy-to-understand text addressing qualitative research content analysis. This text has caused me to rethink qualitative data analysis and apply a category system to my own procedures. I applaud their logical approach, their detailed use of references, and their insight brought to qualitative research. This book will be seen for many years as a leading worldwide text on qualitative data analysis.
This book does a fantastic job of discussing the historical and theoretical foundations of QCA together with practical considerations for its use. The inclusion of real-world examples, advice for using qualitative data analysis software, and creative visual displays makes this revision a great resource for researchers analyzing qualitative data within qualitative and mixed methods approaches.
Broadly linked to module content but didn't feel it added anything new/additional compared to already adopted core essential text
A clear guide for students in the social sciences wishing to engage with qualitative research; utilised for those on UG and PG studies.
Good range of examples
good resource and guide for students
A well structured and written text that aims to simplify the process of research and and particularly qualitative research. This text does not appear as daunting as some research methods texts, which do make some students recoil from accessing some research methods texts. A good and easy to read text, which is important for students attempting their first research project.
A well considered guide to various approaches to content analysis, with clear and helpful information for students and novice researchers.
Still working on it but hoping to adopt it to enhance ethnographic research programs