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This is simply a magnificent collection of chapters, laced together under the guiding light of Stuart Hall's outstanding scholarship. The chapters each exemplify the very best modes of cultural studies writing, theoretically informed, lucid, vividly alive and relevant to students and to general readers across the arts, humanities and social sciences. New material by Stuart Hall is particularly welcome, and will be much appreciated given his key role in the development of post-colonial as well as cultural studies.
Excellent text that is very accessible to students in both layout and content
A perfect, well written and indispensable introduction to Cultural Studies.
Essential reading for my students. Clear and informative
This book covers a range of critical tourism/representational/social topic areas with great care, sophistication and insight. Fantastic read.
The book covers the points I intended to teach in my course. It is clearly and lucidly written with ample examples. I would strongly recommend this book for my students.
Still a valuable foundational text in cultural studies.
Perfect reader for Political Sociology
How do cultures meet, and what images of culture do we rely on to inform those differences across distances? These are some of the very real issues student face in addressing living and working across cultures. This text is helpful as a reference guide to understanding popular culture, and therefore media more broadly.
Great book but covers only a little of what we look at. It has very relevant chapters for our studies.
The module will not be running in the academic session 2015-16. Next time it does, I will use the book as supplemental reading - as it was used in 2014-15. The book is comprehensive and accessible for students - a great text.
Hall's work has, in the past few years, risen to become an instrumental account of the cultural and symbolic nature of social interactions underlying the very ways in which we understand our world. This volume is true to his heritage: precise, in-depth, and recommended for all, both the experienced and the novice.
I use this to help me plan lessons and refer to it in lessons when teaching about representation. (AS/A Level & BTEC)
It's a great source for Cultural Studies course. Hall provides essential reading for graduate students in film studies/media studies with his book.
I am recommending this as supplemental reading for students interested in social representations of disability.
Outside the scope of my class
an interesting & useful text
Essential foundational reading for my fourth year and MA students.
My schedule was switched around and I will not be teaching an intercultural course in the Fall. However, I may use this book the next time I teach the course.
Great book, although here and there the examples are a bit dated (especially in the soap chapter --> Cagney and Lacey). What is also missing, unfortunately, is some reflections on new media/the internet. Adding a chapter would definitely be appreciated (or other chapter instead of chapter 6 on soap).