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`The edited collection by Decalmer and Glendenning is a revised and expanded version of their previous successful collection of readings. It includes a number of perspectives and different disciplines. It is therefore a welcome addition to the literature as it provides a much needed overview of the major research, theoretical and professional perspectives on the topic....The Decalmer and Glendenning text is useful in increasing awareness, knowledge and understanding about elder abuse and neglect and should, as the first edition did, attract a wide readership' - Ageing and Society
A useful introduction to the subject, reveals the wide extent of abuse and considers where the responsibilities for this lie - thought-provoking material.
This book is going to be used as a recommened reading for both counsellling students and for those studying on the dementai care course. It outlines abuse of the elderly and how it is investigated, there is a vast ammount of up to the minute data and will be useful for students carrying out research projects in the area of care homes and abuse.
A thoughtful approach to the often unkind care of the elderly