Really great book, very useful for my own studies for Level 5 Teaching diploma. But also great for our T-Level Early Years and Education course!
This book will greatly support new teachers and those who are undertaking teacher training.
I used the previous edition. This books offers a great overview of a large number of theories/theorists in clear categories in an easy to digest way for level 5 students.
I have just received my copy and want to read it carefully. Will definitely be using to reference theories in my lectures to start with - likely to adopt next year but module starts in Sept 2023 this year
An excellent resource. Some of the commentary takes a rather personal view, but this is a great contribution to the library for students to engage with.
A super approachable application of learning theories in practice.
There is a reason why this is a best selling book - it has everything! When you need to achieve a solid grounding in learning theory, this is the place to go. So often we (academics) are recommending books which focus too narrowly initially- this book enables you to appreciate the wider picture and then you can discover more from other sources as needed.
This book is excellent for beginning to understand a range of theories which you can research further. Teacher trainee's find it very useful to help them with their studies.
For PGCE (PCET) students who have not completed an education studies programme prior to their course, this book has been invaluable to them. The theories are clearly outlined and discussed and help to 'springboard' their learning to other research and additional sources of information. Essential book for the last three years and will continue to be so.