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5 Results Found for "650"

Consortia Subscriptions

Offerings from Sage for Library Consortia

In response to research and feedback from our market, including discussions with the library community, Sage has expanded its offerings to consortia customers. We now provide all of the following purchase options to library consortia. 

Sage Journal Packages

Whether your library needs the full, interdisciplinary collection dating back to volume 1, issue 1, or a specific, focused collection targeted to your researchers’ interests, Sage can help you build the perfect fit by providing several journals package options to fit your library's needs.

request a library trial

Selecting and Inviting Reviewers

Sourcing reviewers can be the most time-consuming part of an editor’s role. The following guidance aims to minimise the number of invites an editor must send for each manuscript and improve time to decision for our authors.

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