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Cyber Savvy

Cyber Savvy
Embracing Digital Safety and Civility

Other Titles in:
School Safety | Technology

January 2012 | 176 pages | Corwin
Cyber Savvy: Embracing Digital Safety and Citizenship provides guidance to educators, mental health professionals, and law enforcement officers on how to effectively implement instructional activities to address issues of safety and citizenship with today's digital youth.

The Cyber Savvy instructional approach is grounded in the understanding that the vast majority of young people want to make good choices, do not want to be harmed, and do not want to see their friends or others harmed. This instructional approach focuses on positive social norms, effective practices, and the positive engagement of witnesses.

Concerns about the safety of young people online have been present since around 1995. At first filtering software was promoted at the way to "protect children." In the early 2000's the U.S. Department of Justice provided funding for several national organizations to create Internet safety curriculum material. Much of this material exaggerates the risks associated by "online strangers" and uses fear-based messaging. In 2008, Congress passed the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act. This Act added a provision to the Children's Internet Protection Act (the law that requires schools and libraries to install filtering in conjunction with E-Rate funding for technology). This new requirement is for schools to teach about Internet safety. The Federal Communication Commission has just issued regulations about the new requirement.

Most school districts already know that they need to move in this direction. Some new curriculum will be coming into the market place – more can be expected. This book will address that need by describing the issues and suggested solutions so that school leaders, counselors, and teachers can provide a safe and productive online environment for their students. There has been so much inaccurate information presented, and still is, that is it exceptionally important that teachers gain research-based insight into the actual risks and recommendations grounded in effective risk prevention instruction. This book will provide that guidance.

About the Author
I. Teaching Digital Safety & Citizenship
1. Let Them Teach Each Other to Swim
2. Making Positive Choices Online
3. The Dangers of Techno-Panic
4. Targeted Youth Risk Online Prevention & Intervention
5. Law Enforcement Officers as Instructors
6. School Staff Online
7. Providing Parent Guidance
II. Digital Safety and Citizenship Issues
8. Cyber Safe Kids
9. Avoid the Impulse - Remember What You Do Reflects on You
10. Read With Your Eyes Open - Assess the Credibility of Information
11. Keep Your Life in Balance - Avoid Addictive Use
12. Think Before You Post - Protect Your Reputation & Respect Others
13. Connect Safely - Interact Safely With Others Online
14. Keep Yourself Secure - Implement Security & Avoid Scams
15. Abide by the Terms - Act in Accord with Laws, Policies, & Terms
16. Stay Out of the Garbage - Avoid Objectionable & Illegal Material
17. Don’t Sell Yourself - Disclose & Consume Wisely
18. Protect Your Face & Friends - Be a Savvy & Civil When Networking
19. Embrace Civility - Prevent Hurtful Digital Communications
20. Cyberdate Safely - Avoid Exploitation & Abusive Relationships

"Willard provides the reader with a critical understanding of why we need a more effective approach to teaching teens about Internet safety and citizenship. The guidelines and strategies she describes make the reader believe that implementation of a more effective, Cyber Savvy approach is not only feasible, but easily accomplished."

Aimée M. Bissonette, JD
Little Buffalo Law & Consulting, Richfield, MN

"This book's approach is both interesting and outside the common tactics used by many schools to address cyber-citizenship issues. Instead of issuing mass edicts for school districts that will 'protect' students and staff by preventing access to valuable online information, Nancy Willard has developed a balanced methodology around making wiser choices and stronger long-term decisions."

Christopher Wells, Director of IT Policies and Communications
Gwinnett County Public Schools, Suwanee, GA

“As the clear, informed, expert voice on cyberbullying, Nancy Willard shows how to make informed decisions that reflect reality. Her work is inspiring and extremely important to the national debate about digital citizenship.”

Jason Ohler, Professor Emeritus and Author
University of Alaska, Juneau

"This book will help educators teach their students media literacy, safety, and 'netiquette.' Willard's expertise in risk prevention, law and education provides educators with the tools fo build an effective program for teaching students online safety and citizenship."

Courtney Williams
District Administration Magazine, March 2012

"This well-researched and documented book is laid out for easy reading and understanding of often complex materials and sensitive subjects."

Sara Marcus, Web Librarian
Queensborough Community College, New York
Library Media Connection, August 2012

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ISBN: 9781412996211