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Gholar, Cheryl R.

Cheryl R. Gholar

Cheryl R. Gholar has been a teacher, counselor, and administrator in public schools and worked in postsecondary education for more than thirty years. She is associate director of the Professional Development Consortium. Gholar is coauthor of Beyond Rhetoric and Rainbows: A Journey to the Place Where Learning Lives. She is also co-featured in the video Ensuring Success for “Low Yield” Students: Building Lives and Molding Futures. She is published in Vitae Scholasticae, Black Issues in Higher Education, The Journal of Staff Development, Careers With Character, and more. Gholar’s awards include Educator of the Year, Phi Delta Kappa, Those Who Excel, Oppenheimer Family Foundation, Outstanding Teacher, Chicago Region PTA, and Outstanding Contributions to The Department of Character Education, Chicago Public Schools. She is listed in Who’s Who Among Women, Who’s Who in The Midwest, and International Who’s Who of Professionals.