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The BERA-Sage Handbook of Research-Informed Education Practice and Policy

The BERA-Sage Handbook of Research-Informed Education Practice and Policy

Two Volume Set
Edited by:

May 2025 | 1 088 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

One of the most pressing topics worldwide is how we can improve education to enhance  people’s life chances. The BERA-Sage Handbook of Research-Informed Education Practice and Policy, 2 Vol. offers an in-depth exploration of the ways in which education research intersects with and can lead to improvements in education. Through detailed examinations of educational policies, practices, values, and research methodologies, the handbook navigates the complexities inherent in educational systems and in so doing presents a unique new picture of education worldwide.

Volume One of the Handbook set focuses on Understanding Research-Informed Education, and Volume Two focuses on how to implement it. Across six parts and fifty-two chapters, the authors and editors explore a myriad of critical topics including using research to promote equity within education systems, rethinking pedagogy, and knowledge mobilisation through practitioner-led inquiry. New developments in aspects such as systematic approaches to research synthesis are presented by world-leading experts.

Authors of the chapters draw from many different sources to provide a comprehensive understanding of education, including perspectives from the arts, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. This understanding combines cutting-edge education research and scholarship to provide insights into how education is enacted in countries and institutions through policy and practice.

Featuring a truly diverse team of scholars to account for global perspectives, the BERA-Sage Handbook of Research-Informed Education Practice and Policy, 2 Vol. is an invaluable resource for scholars, researchers, students, and practitioners who are interested in the  new frontiers in education research, policy and practice.

Volume One: Understanding Research-Informed Education

Part One - Defining and Theorising Research-Informed Education
Part Two - Methodological Debates in the Field
Part Three - International Comparison and Educational Policy

Volume Two: Implementing Research-Informed Education

Part Four - Effective policy and practice in national contexts
Part Five – Curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
Part Six – Practitioners and learners as researchers

Volume One: Understanding Research-Informed Education
Dominic Wyse, Vivienne Baumfield, Nicole Mockler, and R. Martin Reardon
Part One: Defining and Theorising Research-Informed Education
Janice Tripney and David Gough
Chapter 1:Evidence ecosystems: A framework for understanding evidence use
Stephen Gorard and Wenqing Chen
Chapter 2: What is the way forward for research-informed education?
Gerry Dunne and Clíodhna Martin
Chapter 3: Epistemic Paternalism in Educational Research
Joyce I-Hui Chen, Jay Derrick, Sam Duncan, Geoff Hayward, Sam Jones, and Lorraine Smith
Chapter 4: Doing research or being researched? Debates on ‘Close-to-Practice’ research from the perspective of the Further, Adult and Vocational Education (FAVE) sector
Mel Ainscow, Claire Forbes, and Romina Madrid Miranda
Chapter 5: Using research to promote equity within education systems: roles, challenges and possibilities
Joel R Malin, Lucy Rycroft-Smith, and Vicky Ward
Chapter 6: The Role of Knowledge Brokering in Fostering Connections Between Educational Research, Policy, and Practice
Stephen MacGregor, Joelle Rodway, Chris Brown, and Alan Daly
Chapter 7: Knowledge Brokerage and Evidence-Informed Education Policy and Practice: A Social Network Perspective
Michael Singh, Li Xiaoli, Michiko Weinmann, Rod Neilsen, and Janice McGregor
Chapter 8: Postmonolingual research-informed education policy practices: Multilingual knowledge dialogues for democratic values
Pallavi Banerjee, Amanda Rigg, and Marina Altoe
Chapter 9: Degree awarding gaps by demographics in UK Universities
Part Two: Methodological Debates in the Field
Elaine Unterhalter and Colleen Howell
Chapter 10: Evidence, politics and the uncertainties of education and international development: Reflections on systematic reviews
Colin Cramer, Felix Schreiber, and Sebastian Röhl
Chapter 11: Systematic Research in Educational Sciences. A Methodological Overview
Sally Riordan and Steve Higgins
Chapter 12: Meta-Analysis in Education: history, purposes and challenges
Sylke V. Schnepf, Don A. Klinger, and Louis Volante
Chapter 13: International Comparison Testing, Measurement Issues, and Policy Considerations in a Post-COVID World
Alison Brady and Mary Richardson
Chapter 14: In grades we trust? Challenging beliefs about assessment in education
Steve Graham and Zoi A. Philippakos
Chapter 15: Reading and Writing Research and Educational Policy in the United States
Blake Cutler, Mark Rickinson, Lucas Walsh, Joanne Gleeson, and Genevieve Hall
Chapter 16: The use of research in education: A methodological discussion of quality use
Stephen Parker and Elizabeth Knight
Chapter 17: Problematising the use of interview data in research for educational policy and practice: beyond incorrigibility and ideology
Part Three: International Comparison and Educational Policy
Alison Milner and Christian Ydesen
Chapter 18: International Comparisons in Education: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Methodo-logical-Political Trajectories, Contributions and Debates
Greg Thompson and Anna Hogan
Chapter 19: The desire for markets: Privatisation, commercialisation, philanthropy and the publicness of schooling
Bob Lingard, Steven Lewis, and Jessica Holloway
Chapter 20: Governing teachers through data, and data as policy: The case of the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS)
Mark Ledger, Beng Huat See, Stephen Gorard, and Rebecca Morris
Chapter 21: Methodological challenges in researching teacher supply: Implications for research, policies and practice
Maria Nicholas, Elizabeth Rouse, and Shaun Rawolle
Chapter 22: International comparisons and reading education policies
Audrey Doyle and Anne Looney
Chapter 23: National Curriculum in a globalised context: the case of the Republic of Ireland
Richard Race and Susan Davis
Chapter 24: Inclusive Practice and Education: Comparing the Curriculum Policies of Wales and England
Volume Two: Implementing Research-Informed Education
Part Four: Effective policy and practice in national contexts
Mary Ryan, Terri Bourke, and Reece Mills
Chapter 25: Effective Policy Enactment in Australia: Enabling and Constraining Conditions for Policy Actors in an Era of Impact in Education
Guili Zhang, Kevin Wall, and Sarah Wall
Chapter 26: Highly Impactful Education Policies and Practices in China in the Past Two Decades
Saiful Malak and Jahirul Mullick
Chapter 27: Teacher education reform in Bangladesh: How far is inclusive education?
Hsu-Chan Kuo, Chu-Yang Chang, Jing-Jyi Wu, and Ying-Yao Cheng
Chapter 28: Effective Research-Informed Policy and Practice in National Contexts: Prioritising Creativity in the Heart of Taiwan’s Education
Sajid Ali, Afaq Ahmed, and Sohail Ahmad
Chapter 29: Generating and Implementing Research-Informed Policies in the Global South: Lessons from Teaching License Policy in Pakistan
Ingrid Gogolin and Nora Dünkel
Chapter 30: Effective Educational Policy and Practice In Germany: Good Intentions, Significant Constraints
David Egan and Anne Hodgson
Chapter 31: Research-Informed Education Policy And Practice In The Welsh Education System
Sylvia Schmelkes, Marisol Silva-Laya, Osiris Martínez-Valle, and Guadalupe Águila Moreno
Chapter 32: Equity Policies In Higher Education In Mexico: Achievements And Challenges Of Technological And Intercultural Universities
Sofia Malik and Carol Campbell
Chapter 33: The Quest for Equitable Education Systems for the 21st Century: Knowledge Mobilisation for Research-Informed Education Policy and Practice in Canada
Elizabeth N. Farley-Ripple and Samantha Shewchuk
Chapter 34: Supporting effective policy and practice: Lessons from the United States
Part Five: Curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
Mark Priestley, Daniel Alvunger, Sinem Hizli Alkan, Stavroula Philippou, and Tiina Soini
Chapter 35: Understanding Curriculum Making by teachers: implications for policy as text and as practice
Allan Michel Jales Coutinho and William F. Pinar
Chapter 36: Understanding curriculum work in the context of international crises: An autobiographical praxis of becoming
Richard Pountney, Elizabeth Rata, and Diane Swift
Chapter 37: Exploring curriculum coherence and professional knowledge
Tim Cain and Anna Mariguddi
Chapter 38: The journey from research into practice (without public policy): the case of school music education
Jennifer M Gore and Sally Patfield
Chapter 39: Rethinking pedagogy: The central plank in school improvement?
Clair Andersen, Glenn Auld, Julianne Moss, Kitty te Riele, Tim Delphine, Tim Corcoran, Joanne O’Mara, David Hicks, and Emily Rudling
Chapter 40: Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student success in school: Beyond the Policy
Jodi Wainwright, Jitka Vseteckova, and Klaus-Dieter Rossade
Chapter 41: Digital language learning: the cognitive, affective and social rewards for older adults.
Catarina F. Correia and Dylan Wiliam
Chapter 42: Formative assessment
Grace Morris, Elena Novak, and Chia-Ling Kuo
Chapter 43: Research-Informed Practices of Creativity Assessments in K-12 STEM and Computer Science Education
Part Six: Practitioners and learners as researchers
Sara Hennessy, Ruth Kershner, Farah Ahmed, Elisa Calcagni, Ana Trigo-Clapés, Meaghan Brugha, and Christine Edwards-Groves
Chapter 44: Knowledge mobilisation through practitioner-led inquiry: A dialogic perspective
Christine Parker, Sandra Clare, Katherine Clark, Jennifer De Orta, Joanne Benford, and Felicity Dewsbery
Chapter 45: Transforming practice wisdom through practitioner research in early childhood
Kristin Vanlommel
Chapter 46: Evidence-Informed Educational Change: Conceptual Proposal for a Capacity-Building Model
Kyriaki Messiou and Nikolett Szelei
Chapter 47: Promoting inclusive pedagogies in schools through student voice and dialogues
Henryk Mizerek and Lidia Bielinis
Chapter 48: Education policy and knowledge. What if they could meet?
Christopher Chapman, Romina Madrid Miranda, Carlos Duque Artigas, and Milena Paez-Silva
Chapter 49: Acting Locally, Thinking Globally: An international Research-Practice Partnership for youth action
Julia Chen, Linda Lin, Caroline Nixon, and Dennis Foung
Chapter 50: Doubling Educational Effectiveness: Conducting Multidimensional Research to (Re-)Inform Curriculum Enhancement
Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan, Makie Kortjass, and Ntokozo Mkhize-Mthembu
Chapter 51: Self-Study as a Movement and Methodology for Inside-Out Educational Change: Foundations, Characteristics, and Exemplars
Janet Orchard, Victoria Bowen, and Amanda Williams
Chapter 52: Walking the talk: assessing the collaborative potential of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) for co-created classroom-based research

This impressive collection of chapters by leading international scholars will be greatly appreciated by colleagues around the world, whatever stage of their careers they have reached.  The two volumes are likely to make a significant contribution to the improvement of education policies through the informed application of research.  The editors and BERA have created a major resource that will be of benefit to students, teachers and researchers for many years to come.


Ian Menter
Emeritus Professor of Teacher Education, University of Oxford, UK

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ISBN: 9781529602524

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