Sexual Abuse in Nine North American Cultures
Treatment and Prevention
First Edition
Edited by:
- Lisa Aronson Fontes - The Union Institute, Minneapolis, Shutesbury, MA
Other Titles in:
Child Sexual Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse
June 1995 | 328 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
The impact of culture on sexual abuse issues is only beginning to be understood. In minority populations, sexual abuse can be overlooked - or survivors can be inappropriately treated - because of cultural or linguistic misunderstandings, racism or homophobia. This volume contains culture-specific chapters that consider ways in which cultural norms can be used to protect children and promote healing from sexual abuse.
Eliana Gil
Lisa Aronson Fontes
Veronica D Abney and Ronnie Priest
African Americans and Sexual Child Abuse
Lillian Comas-Díaz
Puerto Ricans and Sexual Child Abuse
Amy Okamura, Patricia Heras and Linda Wong-Kerberg
Asian, Pacific Island and Filipino Americans and Sexual Child Abuse
Mary Scully, Theanvy Kuoch and Richard A Miller
Cambodians and Sexual Child Abuse
Joan M Featherman
Jews and Sexual Child Abuse
Marian Schmidt
Anglo Americans and Sexual Child Abuse
Catherine Taylor and Lisa Aronson Fontes
Seventh Day Adventists and Sexual Child Abuse
Doug Arey
Gay Males and Sexual Child Abuse
Maryellen Butke
Lesbians and Sexual Child Abuse
Lisa Aronson Fontes
Culturally Informed Interventions for Sexual Child Abuse