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Houlihan and Malcolm have produced a key text for our times. Drawing upon the work of internationally recognized scholars, the book locates the individual within the complexities of the social, political and economic matrix that characterizes contemporary sport. Moreover, the authors have skillfully managed to highlight the policy implications of contemporary issues within the global-local context. This will be an essential resource for both researchers and students seeking to understand the multifaceted and increasingly significant role of sport in society.
This third edition of Sport and Society, with contributions from some of the field’s most highly respected scholars, covers the myriad of complex, pervasive and global issues confronting sport in the 21st century. It continues to be a foundation text for students across most sport disciplines, comprehensively positioning sport as a significant social institution, and explores the intersection of sport, politics and policy, as well as highlighting the complexities of the commercial models that drive sport consumption, both on the field and in the stands.
The third edition of Sport and Society provides an updated version of an inter-dsciplinary educational and research resource that presents an exciting blend of sociological, policy, historical and management perspectives on sport. The new edition retains contributions from an impressive list of internationally recognised sport academics, and adds new chapters on lifestyle sport (Belinda Wheaton); sport for development and peace (Richard Giulinanotti and Simon Darnell); the governance of i
The third edition of Houlihan and Malcolm’s Sport and Society reinforces its place as one of the most valuable texts for students and others engaging in social scientific study of sport. New chapters on topics such as Lifestyle Sport and Sport for Development and Peace ensure that important issues that have gained recent importance and attention in sport are covered by leading authors. Existing chapters have been valuably updated to ensure their continued relevance.
This updated and extended volume remains the ‘go-to’ text for researchers and students of contemporary issues in sport. Packed with information across a broad range of topics, the text offers an excellent, multi-disciplinary grounding of the most salient aspects of sport in society. Houlihan and Malcolm have managed to bring together a number of top scholars working at the cutting-edge of their subject area in one, handy volume.
It has given the students an understanding of the relevant sociological theory and how that is played out in sport. It also has given the students an understanding of theory behind the contemporary issues in sport.
Great overview on the sociology of sport. Perfect for the sociology of the body especially the section which examines Paralympic and 'dis'abled sport participation.
An excellent resources. The topics on offer are excellent. Aloud students to gain a real understanding of the topics that are included.
The topics covered are substantial, but it is too general and will not be adopted in my Sport Management courses. However, it should be a reader for all undergrad students in general sport science programmes.
Good background material on wider social and political context of sport