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"The preparation of special education teachers is at a critical stage in our nation today; fewer and fewer teachers are willing to be certified in this area. Dr. Wilmore's book will greatly assist prospective special educators in passing the certification exam and preparing for their time in the classroom."
"Dr. Elaine Wilmore has done it again. A must have to all educators who wish to pass the Special Education TExES Exam. This is a well-thought-out and complete guide to passing the test and nothing less. Thank you!"
"This is much more than a test preparation manual, it is a special educator's guide to continual success. Dr. Wilmore has captured the very best elements of teaching and combined them with the characteristics/ needs of special learners to create this one-of-a-kind guide. Teachers will refer to it long after they have become certified."
"Dr. Elaine Wilmore has, once again, created the must-have educator preparation resource—this time for special education instructors. Packed with real-world examples, sparkling wit, and expert subject knowledge, Passing the Special Education TExES Exam is the gold standard resource for Texas educators."
"This book is an excellent resource, not only for those pursuing the EC-12 Special Education TExES Exam, but also for educational leaders. The text thoroughly reviews fundamental concepts, provides great strategies, and includes realistic and humorous scenarios. An outstanding, enjoyable and easy read."