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"The authors have provided a useful tool that will serve as a starting point in the school improvement journey. The Multi-Educational Dimension approach reinforces the concept of system and school renewal based on the whole child."
"Improving academic outcomes requires far more than focusing exclusively on the curriculum. The book, Multi-Dimensional Education represents a welcomed approach to assisting schools and all their stakeholders in addressing the 4C’s of climate, curriculum, character and the community of a school. In an evidence-driven era, gathering comprehensive data on the 4C's will enable schools to meet their academic goals and to engage in a holistic approach to education.
"Multi-Dimensional Education is an invaluable resource to help educators consider seven dimensions that contribute to school success and then interconnect them with the four C's - curriculum, community, climate, and character to create a data system that can make a real difference in a school. The authors' humorous writing style, combined with real-life stories, rubrics, and steps at the end of each chapter make this book a practical guide to help educators understand and use data to achieve excellence. Our students deserve no less!"
"The authors have provided solid foundational information and theoretical explanations for the model. The data collection instruments provided in the appendices are practical and can be used at a variety of levels and explained to stakeholders in the schooling experience."
"Multi-Dimensional Education offers fantastic recommendations and usable survey instruments for assessing a school's current culture. It also has practical guidance for moving a school forward to meet NCLB requirements. I wish I had access to this book's insights when I began reform efforts at my school. It would have helped us avoid some pitfalls by giving data points for the staff to see before changes were implemented."
"Multi-Dimensional Education addresses the use of data in a holistic fashion and does not confine data collection and usage to a single dimension (test scores). Rather than a piecemeal approach it treats data usage as a matter of scale - a systemic approach. This permits all stakeholders to acquire more comprehensive insight into the multiple dimensions that impact school effectiveness and student achievement - school climate, educational attitudes, faculty fidelity, community engagement, curriculum expectations, developmental perspective and leadership."
"The authors have developed a revolutionary system that empowers school districts to make informed decisions and accurate predictions, and control their future. This is an exciting new data system that provides us with the tools to develop a new lens for viewing what really needs to be focused on to make long-lasting positive changes for our students, schools, parents, and community."
"This book provides an intelligent system for capturing more information and knowledge in order to improve decision-making for teachers, principals, and superintendents. It represents a breakthrough in information acquisition and analysis - one that is likely to provide comparative advantage for individual classrooms, schools, and school districts. A fitting text for any coursework on organizational leadership or assessment."
"The Multi-Dimensional Education approach offers a robust picture of data which illuminates the complex system in which we work. It takes into account a myriad of variables, and it provides meaningful data that can contribute to students' success. Relying solely on summative data gathered for federal and state requirements does not provide the rich information necessary to support student learning. The 4C’s and 7 Dimensions offer a framework for data analysis and comprehensive support for students."
"The challenges facing educators today are immense and the pressure to 'perform' is clearly evident. This book provides a fresh and compelling argument to look far beyond test score performance when measuring success in our schools. The systemic model described in this book will help educators comprehensively assess, improve, and achieve in their schools."
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