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"Girden and Kabacoff provide readers with valuable suggestions for reading, evaluating, and assessing research articles in terms of the design employed and techniques used to carry out statistical analysis of the data collected... the well-written work provides guidance to students as well as professionals on how to examine research reports and articles with an inquisitive mind."
This book goes from step to step and is ideal for students who have not tackled this subject before.
Great resource for adult learners new to reading and reviewing research journals.
I felt it was too advanced for our undergraduate students, but a good resource for instructors of undergraduate students
May use as suggested text
too much detail for level of course
I will use this as a guide to reading research articles. this is a central part to the course.
This text will enable beginning researchers in my IST Research Methods course to understand how to evaluate secondary research and will be used as a supplement to the Research Methodology text.
I recommend this text for those students who plan on submitting manuscripts for journal publications.
This is a great book, providing useful tips for reading and understanding research articles. It will be adopted for my next course.
I'm still using the Pyrczak Patten text for now
Am recommending for supplementary use in class.
I love this book! The authors' use of "notes" as they critique each study component gives students an insiders view of what it means to critically analyze scholarship. This method moves students from being 'outsiders' in the construction of knowledge to 'insiders' because it shows them that 'it's okay' to have, and to insert, their own voice into the empirical discourse of their profession. An empowering text indeed!