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"I have always been a 'wanna-be' win-win teacher, but did not have all the tools I needed to become one. I only knew what I did not want to be. The suggestions in this book have benefited both my students and me, and I am very grateful for that."
"The focus throughout this book is on effective classroom strategies for setting up a win-win environment where everyone’s needs are met and there are fewer power struggles to disrupt instruction."
"The suggestions for motivating cooperative behavior are excellent! The list of choices to offer students and guidelines for offering choices are so useful."
“The reader comes away with strategies for implementation and the confidence to create win-win classrooms and support students in self-management.”
“A clearly stated guide that teachers can use to unlock the learning process for students while maintaining their joy of teaching.”
“Chapters teach how to recognize and support emotional and social development in students, going beyond the usual educational primer to apply tested teaching techniques.”