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“The content itself, based in years of thinking, reading, doing, conversing, is a huge strength. Reading the chapters is like sitting at the feet of one of the masters.”
“I can’t emphasize enough the quality, detail, and depth of the presentation of research design and methods… Students and experienced researchers will appreciate the depth of presentation of potential qualitative paradigms, theoretical orientations and frameworks as well as special methodological applications that are often not covered in other qualitative texts.”
“It is refreshing to see a text that engages the multiple philosophical and historical trajectories within a qualitative research tradition while integrating this discussion so well with the practice of research design, fieldwork strategies, and data analysis.”
"Very thoughtful and thorough coverage of qualitative design and study."
I have used Patton for this course historically; I will continue to use him for this course. I have used previous editions as well.
Great book - not currently teaching a course in evaluation - will definitely consider this text when I do next teach such a course.
Mae’r llyfr yma yn wych, yn enwedig y bennod ar fframweithiau damcaniaethol ac athroniaeth. Rwyf wedi ei argymell i nifer o fyfyrwyr ôl-radd sydd wrthi’n cynllunio traethodau hir - trwy gwrs ‘Yr ymchwilydd ansoddol’ y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (CCC) a hefyd myfyrwyr Bangor (Cymraeg a Saesneg ei hiaith). Rwyf hefyd wedi gofyn i’r llyfrgellydd gwyddorau cymdeithasol archebu un neu ddau o gopïau i’r llyfrgell.
Adopted Creswell 3rd ed (Sage)
Good resource for students looking to develop their qualitative research skills.
Will use as a secondary text in the Qualitative Research Methods course I teach
Excellent resource
The book is very comprehensive. It has more details than necessary for my course, which is an introduction course. But the book is indispensable as a reference.
A very good overview of a wide range of theory, frameworks and methods, supported nicely by good practical advice and examples. The extensive content is more than is needed for our teaching programme, but is nevertheless a great resource for students (Masters or PhD) who are considering use of qualitative methods in their research.