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This is a classic work and it still holds up as extremely relevant today. Particularly, I will be applying it to sense-making in health and social care organisations.
A great book for discussing and analyzing leadership
Text seems to complement others we are using to address desired topics. Students find the text a challenging read, but the information is timely and important.
Somewhat of a tough read for our students, but the information is timely and critical for our program.
Currently reviewing a wide set of literature in order restructure the entire course. Weick is a well know scholar and I have heard several positive reviews on this book.
Although this isn't a core text for our PR, Advertising & Marketing students, I consider it a must-have for dissertation projects as so many students choose to explore crises, issues and other events where sensemaking becomes part of the ensuing communication activity.
Well-presented & well-written concepts. A fresh perspective which nurtures critical thinking and engagements with organisational theory.
As always Weicks insights are inspiring, but the will not replace the currently used one which is more comprehensive. The book is great supplemental reading for students interested in sensemaking.
superb text book that is now adopted as mandatory reading for all students completing qualitative research at masters degree and doctoral level