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The publication of the 3rd edition of Stuart Hall’s Representation comes at just the right time. Addressing recent social and political movements as well as theoretical developments in the humanities and social sciences, the editors and contributors of the new edition have done a superb job of recontextualizing Hall’s landmark work for the now.
This new edition reminds us of the relevance of this book for our students. Embracing discussions of recent political events, and of new expressions of known forms of othering; and addressing digital modes of social connectivity and of media production and circulation, the volume revitalizes much needed dialogues about the aesthetics and politics of representation.
Representation remains as timely as ever. A thorough and clear critique of media’s role in shaping society and culture, sharply updated to address the complexities that surround representation in the digital age.
This is a wonderfully updated classic text of sociology and cultural studies. Each contribution provides a succinct and lively engagement with the field. Stuart Hall's lasting legacy is everywhere evident in his seminally important chapter.
I found the changed chapters not as good as the previous edition's. I think Sage should offer the purchase of chapters in the book.
Updated with relevant examples to a new cohort of students more familiar with digital and other contemporary media forms. Still deals with complex theory and key theorists ideas accessibily.
Great book, but not relevant enough for the course.