Often most curricular reforms start with asking ’What’ to change - resulting in recycled old ways to teach the ’same’ - garnished with activities that masquerade as agency. This book starts with the ‘WHY” and sets out to invite the ‘WHO’ into designing the journey of change. What you get are simple, yet mature frameworks and proven strategies to support educators in empowering their students with the tools to see the wondrous interconnectedness of life and their role to sustain and nourish this web.
"Educating young people to be ‘worldwise’ and to integrate heart, head, and hand in order to become the citizens the world so desperately needs has just become a whole lot easier. This brilliant and essential book provides the vision, blueprint, examples, and direction that teachers can utilize right now to ensure their students – and the world they will shape – are both able to thrive."
How can we, as teachers, create classrooms that tap students’ innate desire and capability to shape a better world and how can we use this as a catalyst to develop our students’ knowledge, skills, understanding, and dispositions? Worldwise Learning delivers what it promises. Through a clear vision, an easy to follow framework, ready to use strategies, and real examples drawn from classrooms around the world, educators now have a guide to turn this aspiration into a reality.
Carla Marschall and Elizabeth O. Crawford, with Worldwise Learning, have delved deep into the complexity and multifaceted nature of providing learning journeys for children to become contributing global citizens, something the world needs desperately. I particularly love the emphasis and support around co-planning lessons.
Carla Marschall and Elizabeth O. Crawford have written a masterpiece that affords a guide for educators to build, alongside their students, a just and sustainable future. Not only do the authors present a vision for transformative education, they offer a dynamic learning cycle, practical strategies, and stories from diverse classrooms throughout the world to support the development of students’ global competences. This book is a must-read for the 21st century educator.
Marschall and Crawford compel readers to see schooling in a different way, one that is focused more on worldwise learning. Using examples from their own lives and schools around the world, they illustrate how teaching and learning can be more globally-minded. For any educator or community member who wants to critically reflect on their own practices and work to envision a more sustainable approach to education, this book is for you.
Worldwise Learning opens a door on to the kind of learning that David Perkins has memorably called ‘life worthy.’ This is a door that many teachers are looking for as the importance of connecting learners to local and global issues, and to their sense of passion and purpose strains against more traditional models of learning that no longer serve our needs.
Collaborative Learning Network will make it a priority to share Worldwise Learning with each team of thoughtful educators we are fortunate to work with. The inspiring stories, spotlights, and strategies in each of the chapters will deepen the practice of educators around the world. This book illustrates many ways to meaningfully connect learners to their natural curiosity, to understand the world around them and to extend their learning into harmonious action.
This book represents a message of hope for the future, calling on educators to honour each of our stories, passions and concerns. Through a pedagogical framework designed to give students meaningful connection with their lived experiences, deep relational understanding through being seen, heard and valued and empowerment to take authentic action in their communities, Worldwise Learning demonstrates how educators can design learning for students of all ages to become positive contributors to the world.
We are living at a time when global competence is essential, not only for individuals but also for global stability, prosperity, and peace. And yet developing globally competent students is complicated. Luckily Worldwise Learning has provided a roadmap that recognizes the value of voice and agency, as well as the transformative power of storytelling to engage, illuminate, and, perhaps most importantly, connect young people across a diversity of cultures and geographies. In this very large world that is going to keep getting smaller and more interdependent, the message of World
Worldwise Learning offers a necessary pedagogical framework to advocate for students to push for global understanding and action. Building a co-created classroom that positions itself in global meaning-making is a profound need for maintaining our democracy, educating our youth, and allowing students to channel their inner curiosity. This work offers a clear outline for transforming one's classroom for worldwide change.
This book is an invitation, guidebook and launchpad aimed at activating the Worldwise Learner in all of us. Relevant, authentic, inspiring and chock full of tools to reflect, grow and synergize, Worldwise Learning truly empowers us to think for ourselves, explore alternative futures and take action to ensure the wellbeing of our entire global ecosystem.
"I am recommending Worldwise Learning: A Teacher’s Guide to Shaping a Just, Sustainable Future because as a global educator and Black woman it is imperative for others to understand the ins and outs of being a global citizen. Our students need to be able to learn from those who are wanting to teach culturally relevant teaching and to be able to share their voice with others. We as educators need to be able to show our students, parents, and surrounding communities what diversity, equity, and inclusivity really looks like and how to stand up for the truth.
There could be no better time to publish a book on transformative education for a better, more fair, world. May this thoughtfully crafted learning tool not only spark students and educators intellectually -but also touch their hearts. This can bring about the much needed shifts from competition to compassion and from comparison to all children everywhere shining in their true potential; like stars on earth.
Worldwise Learning is a compelling and timely book that presents a powerful vision of transformative education for our times. Steeped in democratic values and a respect for student agency, the authors offer a framework for educating responsible and compassionate learners in a complex and interconnected world.
We can't afford to fail in our pursuit to raise citizens empowered to understand and take action on local and global challenges. While too many adults look the other way, educators like Marschall and Crawford inspire children and young people to be the force for change that this world needs. Worldwise Learning: A Teacher’s Guide to Shaping a Just, Sustainable Future is grounded in research and filled with practical strategies inspiring students to engage critically, take responsibility, and produce change