“This textbook takes an ecological view of family violence, and the cultural, structural, micro-level, and other macro-level phenomena related to intimate partner violence are discussed in depth. A real strength of this book is that it begins with history, moves into theory and research, and then discusses family violence developmentally. The last chapter focuses on summing up the content and looking ahead, which is perfect."
Organized, insightful, and broad in coverage, this is outstanding beyond other available readers. Student reader-friendly: concise, descriptive, and diversely sensitive.
Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships uses recent statistics, refers to and analyzes real-life violent stories such as the NFL players.
“I particularly find this book compelling because it deals with in-utero all the way through geriatric victims of IPV; it’s not simply domestic violence as our course title might imply. To the contrary, we have all too many incidents of intimate partner violence at all ages, especially increasingly against geriatrics in our culture. So I’ve been extremely pleased and able to generate extraordinary results in conversations, sharing and even requests for help from students whom I realize, as I stand before them, are often victims.
Great book- strong examples, culturally relevant, correct level
Waiting for a hard copy coming by mail before approval.