Masculinities, Crime and Criminology
- Richard Collier - University of Newcastle, UK
September 1998 | 224 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Masculinities, Crime and Criminology presents an innovative and timely reading of issues which are central to the questions that have arisen in criminology: Why is crime so overwhelmingly an activity conducted by men? Is crime a `masculine' phenomena?
Richard Collier explores a number of high-profile events and debates around crime, criminal justice and social (dis)order, and examines recent criminological, media and political interpretations of the relationship between men, masculinities and crime.
Sex, Gender and the (Criminal) Bodies of Men
Sex, Gender and the (Criminal) Bodies of Men
Boys' Own Stories? Law, Criminology and (Un)Sexy Bodies
The `Trouble with Boys'? The Child, the Social and the Dangerous Other
`A Lonely Man with a Passion for Guns'
Absent Fathers, Criminal Sons and Straight Men
Concluding Remarks