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Manuscript Submission

Please ensure the manuscript…

  • Is a Word file (.doc or .docx) or TeX file.
  • Conforms to the appropriate style throughout (APA, AMA, etc.).
  • Is the final version for publication, with developmental editing completed.
  • Includes title, short title, abstract, and keywords.
  • Includes names, e-mails, affiliations, degrees, and biographies for ALL authors and a mailing address for the corresponding author.
  • Displays author names and surnames correctly and in a manner consistent with previous publications.
  • Includes article type or issue section heading.
  • Includes callouts within article text for all figures, tables, and supplements.
  • Does not contain equations in image format - please ensure that all math equations and chemical formulas are editable.
  • Includes references for all in-text citations, and all references are mentioned in the text.
  • Does not contain tables in image format - tables must be editable and should be submitted in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, include captions, and be placed after the reference list in separate files.
  • Contains figures submitted in their original format, preferably as separate files. Figures must meet Artwork Guidelines (see below).
  • Includes properly formatted supplemental material. Supplemental Material can be in any file format and must be labeled "Online_supp." Please understand that supplemental files are not edited by Sage or reviewed by the author prior to publication. Files should arrive in final, publish-ready format.

In addition to the manuscript file, please include:

  • Journal Contributor Agreement (signed)
  • Permission(s) for usages of copyrighted material as appropriate (signed)

Artwork Submission Guidelines

  • Figures must be high resolution (at least 300 dpi). They should be submitted exactly as they should appear in the journal. Line art should be submitted as vector-based (.eps) files
  • Images are best submitted separately from the text document. Please do not embed images into your file, as embedding raster image files (photographs) in Word or similar programs automatically reduces the resolution below what is needed for quality print publication.
  • Please see our “Artwork Submission Guidelines” online for more detailed information.