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Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law

Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law

Other Titles in:
International Law

eISSN: 23995548 | ISSN: 1023263X | Current volume: 31 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Bi-monthly

The Maastricht Journal is a unique peer refereed journal publishing six issues per year, serving academics and legal practitioners who want to stay informed regarding developments and challenges within the Ius Commune Europaeum.

The journal publishes articles, case notes, legal debates, legal developments and commentaries by leading academics and professionals in the areas of European and Comparative Law and covers areas of interest in both European Law and in the comparative laws of European states.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

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The Maastricht Journal is a unique peer refereed journal publishing six issues per year, serving academics and legal practitioners who want to stay informed regarding developments and challenges within the Ius Commune Europaeum.

The journal publishes articles, case notes, legal debates, legal developments and commentaries by leading academics and professionals in the areas of European and Comparative Law and covers areas of interest in both European Law and in the comparative laws of European states.

The historic expansion of the European Union highlights the growing importance of both European Law and the comparison and study of the individual domestic laws of the European states. This tendency has led to an increased Europeanization of the study of law. There is a growing need to examine the common legal tradition and heritage in Europe as well as the remaining diversity. Practitioners and academics both need an effective compass to navigate this complex and evolving landscape. For more than two decades, the Maastricht Journal has served as such a device, offering clear and comprehensive analysis of issues by leading authorities in the field and developing a loyal readership throughout Europe, North America and Asia.

The Editorial Committee and Advisory Board consist of specialists in all major areas of law. They guarantee a regular coverage of the following fields:

· European public law

· European private law

· European company and labour law

· Human rights and international law

· European criminal law

· European Community law

· Legal theory and European integration

· European environmental law

The Maastricht Journal consists of contributions from leading academics in the form of:

· Articles providing an in-depth analysis of either EU or international law, or studying a particular problem from a comparative approach, and considering the issues from the perspective of the Ius Commune Europaeum.

· Case Notes of important Union and national decisions of significance in a number of countries, placing the issues in a comparative perspective.

· Legal Developments illustrating and contextualizing important developments at the EU level, such as the introduction of new EU legislation and policy changes.

· Legal Debates encompassing pieces by various authors tackling new and thought-provoking legal problems from different perspectives.

· Commentaries of contributions previously published in the Maastricht Journal.

Executive Editors
Matteo Bonelli Maastricht University, Netherlands
Daniel On Maastricht University, Netherlands
Marijn van der Sluis Maastricht University, Netherlands
Giulia Frinzi Maastricht University, Netherlands
Editorial Board
Anna Beckers Maastricht University, Netherlands
Caroline Cauffman Maastricht University, Netherlands
Monica Claes Maastricht University, Netherlands
Michael Faure Maastricht University, Netherlands
Raymond Luja Maastricht University, Netherlands
Elise Muir KU Leuven, Belgium
Phedon Nicolaides College of Europe, Belgium and Maastricht University, Netherlands
Andrea Ott Maastricht University, Netherlands
Christina Peristeridou Maastricht University, Netherlands
Evangelia (Lilian) Tsourdi Maastricht University, Netherlands
Gijs van Dijck Maastricht University, Netherlands
Annalisa Volpato University of Padova, Italy
Advisory Board
Mark Dawson Hertie School of Governance, Germany (Berlin)
René de Groot Maastricht University, Netherlands
Bruno de Witte European University Institute, Italy
Albin Eser Max-Planck-Institut, Germany
Cees Flinterman Utrecht University, Netherlands
Caroline Forder VU Amsterdam, Netherlands
Vassilis Hatzopoulos University of Thrace, Greece/ College of Europe, Belgium
Aalt Willem Heringa Maastricht University, Netherlands
Jaakko Husa University of Helsinki, Finland
Anselm Kamperman Sanders Maastricht University, Netherlands
Ralf Michaels Duke University, USA
Olivier Moréteau Louisiana State University, USA
Luke Nottage University of Sydney, Australia
Frans Pennings Utrecht University, Netherlands
Stephan Rammeloo Maastricht University, Netherlands
Dagmar Schiek University College Dublin, Ireland
Hildegard Schneider Maastricht University, Netherlands
Antoni Vaquer Aloy University of Lleida, Spain
Luc Verhey Maastricht University, Netherlands
Stefan Vogenauer University of Oxford, UK
Ellen Vos Maastricht University, Netherlands
Joseph Weiler New York University, USA
Jan Wouters KU Leuven, Belgium
Jacques Ziller University of Pavia, Italy
Reinhard Zimmermann University of Regensburg, Germany/ University of Hamburg, Germany
  • Scopus
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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