Just Teach! in FE
A people-centered approach
- Jim Crawley - Bath Spa University, UK
The text supports beginning teachers to Be organised; Be resourceful; Be resilient and to Just keep teaching. It is an engaging exploration of real teaching in FE and of the pressures and challenges that FE teachers face.
It is so refreshing to read a book which champions the professional judgement of teachers and advocates the core values of education. Understanding the people – students and colleagues – must always be fundamental to successful teaching. Teachers, at whatever level, must have eyes, ears and minds that are open and they must not be constrained by the delivery of a prescribed curriculum, or solely focused on achieving targets designed by faceless civil servants remote from the students and teachers who matter. Your book offers hope and inspiration, so desperately needed in our schools and colleges.
Key text for our PGCE FES trainees to accompany them through their intitial teacher education programme with SHU
This book is excellent for learning theories behind the practice of teaching. However, if you are new to FE teaching you would benefit from a toolkit of resources rather than the theories. Brilliant book for supporting new FE teachers through teacher training.
Useful for trainee teachers exploring professionalism.
This is a new book from Jim Crawley, who manages to write in a very straight forward way. I recommend this book to teacher trainees and established teachers alike for its practical approach and sensible attitude to the changing face of FE. However for me the part of the book most relevant to my role as Teacher Trainer and champion of personal tutors is his chapter on resilience and recovery. This applies to teachers and their students. Teachers are dealing with students who are unable to to bounce back after things go wrong or they fail an exam or break up with a boyfriend, don't get the course they want. These students often are not resilient, they become 'immobilised by failure'.Teachers too can become pressurised by paperwork,people and personal issues( Crawley’s three P’s from In at the deep end (2010).
This book is refreshing !It is good to tell teachers 'JUST TEACH'
This is a really engaging and accessible introduction to FE teaching, which covers issues relevant to education in general as well as specific to an FE setting - a worthwhile read for those considering a teaching career in the FE sector.
An accessible and nicely organised text that will enable Further Education professionals to think about their practice.
I would recommend that anyone entering (or considering entering) into teaching in FE Education start with this book. Jim Crawley is a (the) leading figure in Post Compulsory in Britain, and his insights and advice will benefit all those entering this sector.
This is a really good book for aspiring and new teachers, written in a logical way. The author has drawn on his experiences and used them to help inform the content. He enables the reader to explore what it’s like to work in FE: the good and the bad bits.
I liked the activities which the reader can carry out, along with the cross referencing to the National Standards.
I hope Jim will consider writing a ‘Just Assess in FE’ book as a follow up.
Jim Crawley remains a excellent source of well written but accessible text for all of our teacher trainees. Both those who enter into FE teaching from a vocational background who need to develop confidence and skill in a more formal academic approach to reviewing their practice and the more experienced academically orientated teacher trainees. All of our students who have already accessed this text can't recommend it highly enough.