Journal of Music Teacher Education
The Journal of Music Teacher Education (JMTE), a peer-reviewed online research journal, focuses on issues related to music teacher education.
JMTE is a publication of the National Association for Music Education on behalf of the Society for Music Teacher Education.
Other NAfME journals can be found at
Journal of General Music Education (
Journal of Research in Music Education (
Music Educators Journal (
Update: Applications of Research in Music Education (
The aims of the JMTE are to: (a) strengthen music teacher education; (b) publish research that adheres to the highest standards for scholarship quality and ethics; (c) promote innovative approaches to music teacher research; (d) serve as a clearinghouse for ideas among professors of music education; (e) disseminate information about the National Association for Music Education’s Society for Music Teacher Education (SMTE); and (f) to affect a sense of unity among music education researchers and professors.
Colleen Conway | University of Michigan, USA |
Stephanie Prichard | University of Maryland, USA |
Cara Bernard | University of Connecticut, USA |
Diana R. Dansereau | Boston University, USA |
John Eros | California State University, East Bay, USA |
Sommer Forrester | University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA |
Daniel Michael Gallagher, BSc, MSc, AFHEA | Ulster University, UK |
Andrew Goodrich | Boston University, USA |
Michele L. Henry | Baylor University, USA |
Michael T. Hopkins | University of Michigan, USA |
Daniel S. Isbell | Penn State University, USA |
Emily Mercado | University of Utah, USA |
Nasim Nikafs | University of Toronto, Canada |
Padma P. Tadi Uppala, PhD, MPH, DipACLM | Andrews University, USA |
Karen Salvador | Michigan State University, USA |
Neil Tanday, PhD | Ulster University, UK |
Jessica Vaughan-Marra | Seton Hill University, USA |
Amy Bradley | National Association for Music Education, USA |
John Donaldson | Assistant Executive Director for Professional Development and Publications, National Association for Music Education, USA |
Christopher Woodside | Executive Director, National Association for Music Education, USA |
The Journal of Music Teacher Education is a peer-reviewed journal, whose purpose is to:
- disseminate information about
- the National Association for Music Education’s Society for Music Teacher Education (SMTE) and
- the ways that SMTE can strengthen teacher education,
- serve as a clearinghouse for ideas among professors of music education, and
- affect a sense of unity among them
The journal is a publication of NAfME and welcomes manuscripts for possible publication.
(Unless specifically noted, articles in JMTE do not necessarily represent the official policy of the National Association for Music Education.)
Sage Author Services offers English language editing, translation and editing, manuscript formatting, infographics & video abstracts, among other services to authors. If interested, please find more information at:
Instructions for Submission:
When submitting an article, contributors should adhere to the following guidelines:
Article Types
- Empirical Research Articles: Authors of research article manuscripts may use any inquiry-based methodology where data are analyzed and findings reported (philosophical, historical, quantitative, qualitative, mixed, self-study of teacher education practices).
- Critical Reviews of Literature: Authors of a review of literature must provide a critical analysis of studies examined and conclude with suggestions for music teacher education as well as suggestions for music teacher education research.
- Book Review: Authors of book reviews (books published within the last three years) need to situate the new work within the field of music teacher education and provide a critical review.
- Analyses of Programs, Practices, and/or Policies: Authors of analyses of programs, practices, and policies may focus on one, two, or all three of these components. A “program” may be as big as the curriculum for a teacher education degree program but as small as a course. A “practice” might be a particular unit, lesson, approach, activity, assignment, assessment, or partnership. Policy might be at the national, regional, state, institutional, departmental or course level. Analyses should go beyond simple description to include past research related to the project as well as next steps for the work.
Regardless of type, all manuscripts must be pertinent to music teacher education and include a discussion of implications for teacher educators.
All manuscripts should include a double-spaced abstract of approximately 150 words; authors should also submit key words that reflect manuscript content. The complete manuscript, including the abstract, narrative, block quotations, references, and any tables or figures (all double-spaced) is typically 20-25 pages in length. Manuscript style should conform to the 7th edition of the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020). For example, manuscripts should use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins and paragraphs indented ½ inch. The abstract should appear on a separate page and references should begin on a new page.
Submission Requirements
Manuscripts should follow the National Association for Music Education’s (NAfME) Publication/Presentation Code of Ethics ( As part of the online submission cover letter, authors of manuscripts based on human subject research must report how they satisfied institutional and federal regulations in the treatment of study participants.
Manuscripts should be submitted with all institutional names or other identifying information removed from the body of the article to facilitate anonymized review.
Music examples, figures, photographs, and other illustrations must be checked for accuracy before submission. If any copyrighted materials are used, documentation verifying that the author has permission to use the material must be included. Please complete and submit a Request for Permission to Reprint Materials form:
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to publish any author-submitted photographs or illustrations, and written permission to Sage of a parent or guardian of any minor pictured is needed before such images are published. Please complete and submit an Audio/Visual Likeness Release form:
Please note that this journal does not allow submissions from papers that are already available as a preprint. Prior to submission, authors should rigorously proofread manuscripts for basic writing quality issues (e.g., anthropomorphism, subject-verb agreement, redundant word use or sentence structure, etc.); failure to do so often slows the revision process and time to publication. Authors can use supplemental services for writing offered by Sage and other third-party providers.
All manuscripts must be submitted online at
Address correspondence concerning editorial matters to:
Dr. Colleen M. Conway, Editor
Journal of Music Teacher Education
University of Michigan
School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2085
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