French Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies (General)
"Its wide-ranging coverage and the quality of its contributions make French Cultural Studies an invaluable research and teaching resource for those working in French studies." Jean Duffy University of Edinburgh, UK
French Cultural Studies responds to the important changes that have affected the study of French culture, language and society in all sections of the education system. It provides a forum for the research into all aspects of modern French culture.
The study of literature has a place in the journal, but particular prominence is given to such areas as cinema, television, the press, the visual arts, popular culture and cultural and intellectual debate.
French Cultural Studies is available on SAGE Journals Online.
French Cultural Studies aims to attract the best current research in all areas of French and Francophone cultural practice and cultural history, from the Revolution to the present day, including, but by no means restricted to: intellectual and literary history and publishing; cultural policy and institutions, including museums; the mass media; popular culture, including popular music; sport; cinema, visual culture and art history; the history of music; linguistics in its cultural context; minority cultures; culture, science and technology; French culture in the world.
Simon Dawes | Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), France |
Jean Beaman | University of California, Santa Barbara, USA |
Laura Carvigan-Cassin | Université des Antilles, France |
Maxime Cervulle | Université Paris 8, France |
Ruth Cruickshank | Royal Holloway, University of London, UK |
Marion Dalibert | Université de Lille, France |
Mehdi Derfoufi | Université Paris 8, France |
Jacqueline Dutton | University of Melbourne, Australia |
Dylan S. Evans | Royal Holloway, University of London, UK |
Jennifer Fredette | Ohio University, USA |
Abdellali Hajjat | Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium |
Karim Hammou | CNRS, France |
Kaoutar Harchi | Cerlis (Centre de recherche sur les liens sociaux) |
Michael Kelly | King's College London, UK |
Herman Lebovics | Stony Brook University, USA |
Christelle Lozère | Université des Antilles, France |
John Marks | University of Nottingham, UK |
Sarah Mazouz | CNRS, France. |
Wendy Michallat | The University of Sheffield, UK |
Marwan Mohammed | CNRS, France |
Aurélien Mondon | University of Bath, UK |
Myriam Paris | Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris, France |
Philippe Poirrier | Université de Bourgogne, France |
Alison Rice | University of Notre Dame, USA |
François Robinet | Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), France |
Dominic Thomas | UCLA, USA |
Steven Ungar | University of Iowa, USA |
Florian Vörös | Université de Lille, France |
Emma Wilson | Cambridge University, UK |
Robert Abirached | Université de Paris X, France |
Robert Aldrich | University of Sydney, Australia |
John Armitage | Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton, UK |
Etienne Balibar | Ancien professeur à l'Université de Paris-Nanterre, France |
Judith Butler | University of California, Berkeley, USA |
Christophe Campos | Universite de Londres a Paris, France |
T J Clark | University of California at Berkeley, USA |
Alain Cresciucci | Université de Rouen, France |
Peter Cryle | University of Queensland, Australia |
Christine Delphy | CNRS, France |
Rokhaya Diallo | Georgetown University, USA |
Clive Emsley | Open University, UK |
Didier Eribon | Université d'Amiens |
Elizabeth Ezra | The University of Stirling, UK |
Jean-Louis Fabiani | Central European University, Hungary |
Didier Fassin | Institute for Advanced Study, USA |
Eric Fassin | Université Paris 8, France |
John Flower | University of Kent, UK |
Didier Francfort | Université de Lorraine, Institut d'Histoire Culturelle Européenne (Château des Lumières, Lunéville), France |
Richard Griffiths | King's College, London, UK |
Marie-Paule Ha | University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
Susan Harris | Queen Mary, University of London, UK |
Jane Hiddleston | Exeter College, University of Oxford, UK |
Lynn A. Higgins | Dartmouth College, USA |
Shirley Jordan | Queen Mary, University of London, UK |
Roderick Kedward | University of Sussex, UK |
Philippe Lejeune | Université de Paris XIII, France |
David Looseley | University of Leeds, UK |
Philippe Marliére | University College London, UK |
Achille Mbembe | University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa |
Colin Nettelbeck | The University of Melbourne, Australia |
Pascal Ory | Université de Paris, France |
Kristin Ross | New York University, USA |
Leon Sachs | University of Kentucky, USA |
Joan W. Scott | Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA |
Pierre Sorlin | Université de Paris III, France |
Tyler Stovall | University of Berkeley, USA |
Ludovic Tournès | Université Paris Ouest, France |
Françoise Vergès | Fondation maison des sciences de l'homme, France |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.