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Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education
Becoming a Professional

Other Titles in:
Early Childhood Education

April 2013 | 576 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

Early Childhood Education: Becoming a Professional is an inspiring introduction to the world of Early Childhood Education, preparing the educators of tomorrow to reach their full potential in their schools and communities. Written by a diverse and experienced author team, this text engages readers to connect the most modern educational and developmental theory and research to developmentally appropriate practices and applications that are easily implemented in the classroom.

Features include:

  • Chapter-opening Vignettes—about a teacher, program, child, or family—connect concepts and theories to the realities in and out of the classroom.
  • Reflection, Analysis, and Application Questions at the end of chapters help readers delve deeper into the chapter material, reflect upon and critically analyze the concepts and examples, and apply it all to real-world situations.
  • Each chapter ends with two annotated lists, Additional Readings and On the Web, which provide information on books, peer-reviewed articles, and websites that guide readers in finding further information and expanded perspectives on chapter topics.
  • A unique chapter on Mathematics, Science, and Technology (Chapter 13) provides future early childhood educators the tools needed to incorporate these topics into their classroom.

In response to today’s ever-changing educational environment, it provides a greater focus on the importance of taking personal and professional responsibility, and it helps readers understand the importance of diversity—from individual inclusion to broader cultural contexts.

Part I: Foundations of Early Childhood Education
1. The Early Childhood Teacher
2. History of Early Childhood Education
3. Types of Progams and Services
Part II: Development and Early Childhood Education
4. Learning Theories
5. Child Development and Milestones
Part III: The Early Childhood Classroom
6. Assessment and Evaluation through Observation
7. Exceptional Children in Early Care and Education
8. Diversity in Early Care and Education
9. Guidance in Early Care and Education
Part IV: Implementing the Early Childhood Curriculum
10. Play and the Learning Environment
11. Emotional and Social Development
12. Language and Literacy Development
13. Mathematics, Science, and Technology
14. Movement, Health, and the Physical Curriculum
Part V: Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education
15. Engaging Parents, Families, and the Community
16. Early Childhood Education Policies
About the Authors


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“(This Book) has rich information and is well tied to the standards and includes sufficient resources.”

Su-Jeong Wee
Purdue University Calumet

“Professionalism is fully developed and integrated throughout the chapters. The author actually uses the term Professional ECE teacher throughout the chapters. Applying theory to Practical, easy to implement ideas is thoroughly developed throughout the chapters. The policy boxes at the end of the chapters help students understand putting theory and research into practice and this is easily found in the chapters. There is discussion on developmentally appropriate practices throughout the chapters, as well. The theme not mentioned above, Families and Cultural Diversity is also seen within each chapter. The authors definitely placed an emphasis on diversity and I see it throughout.”

Kimberly K. Sellers, PhD
Pikes Peak Community College

“It is important to focus on the full range of children, who are considered in early childhood, birth through age eight. This textbook covers all of these age groups throughout the chapters. There are vignettes that focus on different ages. The sample lesson plans have examples for each age group… In my experience, many ECE textbooks focus on birth to age 5, but tend to leave out or not place as much emphasis on the early elementary students. I see more information included on this age group within this text.”

Kimberly K. Sellers, PhD
Pikes Peak Community College

· “The chapters are arranged in a logical sequence, beginning with general history, programs, and theories and then going into more focused descriptions of assessment, special needs, diversity, guidance, and curriculum and concluding with trends in the field. It is logical and clear. The chapters are labeled appropriately so that the student has a good idea of what is covered.”

Kimberly K. Sellers, PhD
Pikes Peak Community College

“The content is well organized and the ideas are based on current research and best practices.”

Erin E. Barton
University of Colorado Denver

“I love all of (the pedagogical features)! Making connections from the text to the “real world” seems to be the area students struggle in the most- and yet is the most important part.”

Jody M. Carson
Northern Essex Community College

“I like the way the chapters/book covers all three areas (age groups); that has become a major focus in MA and I feel it’s very important for students to have this information. I feel all were covered well and keeping this balance would be very helpful for me as an instructor and for the students.”

Jody M. Carson
Northern Essex Community College

“Students really depend upon examples to show them what is actually being discussed or defined for them. The author does a great job including practical examples in the chapters to help the reader make the connections.”

April M Grace
Madisonville Community College

“The section on working with parents and the section on addressing cultural and socio-economic differences are so important for students to understand. I don’t always see that in textbooks. Very important!

April M Grace
Madisonville Community College

“Once I had begun to read, I was drawn in by the author’s writing. I feel students would not feel overwhelmed and lost by reading this text. The writing is very appropriate.”

April M Grace,
Madisonville Community College

Sample Materials & Chapters

Table of Contents

Chapter 10