Discourse Studies
Five Volume Set
Edited by:
- Teun A Van Dijk - Pompeu Fabra University, Spain; Centre of Discourse Studies, Spain, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain
August 2007 | 2 128 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The collection will cover all the major fields of discourse studies: including, grammar, stylistics, conversation analysis, narrative analysis, argumentation, psychology of comprehension, ethnography of speaking, and media. It will include classic articles, work from the top scholars in the field, and reflect all the significant debates.
C Antaki
Interviewing Persons with a Learning Disability
J B Bavelas, L Coates and T Johnson
Listeners as Co-Narrators
R De Beaugrande
Discourse Studies and the Ideology of 'Liberalism'
A Bell
The Discourse Structure of News Stories
N Besnier
Crossing Genders, Mixing Languages
V Bhatia
The Power and Politics of Genre
D Biber and E Finegan
Styles of Stance in English
M Billig
The Dialogic Unconscious
J Blommaert
Investigating Narrative Inequality
S Blum-Kulka
The Dynamics of Political Interviews
A Bolivar
Dialogue and Confrontation in Venezuelan Political Interaction
C R Caldas-Coulthard
Man in the News
H Calsamiglia and C L Ferrero
Role and Position of Scientific Voices Speech in the Media
D Cameron
Relativity and Its Discontents
W Chafe
The Analysis of Discourse Flow
P Chilton
Missing Links in Mainstream CDA
A Cicourel
The Interpretation of Communicative Contexts
S E Clayman
Answers and Evasions
M Coulthard
Author Identification, Idiolect and Linguistic Uniqueness
N Coupland and J Coupland
Bodies, Beaches and Burn-Times
P Drew
Pro-Faced Receipts of Teases
A Duranti
Universal and Culture-Specific Properties of Greetings
D Edwards
Moaning, Whinging and Laughing
S Ehrlich
Trial Discourse and Judicial Decision-Making
S Ervin-Tripp
Is Sybil There? The Structure of Some American English Directives
N Fairclough
Discourse, Social Theory and Social Research
J Flowerdew
The Discourse of Colonial Withdrawal
B A Fox, M Hayashi and R Jasperson
Resources and Repair
B Fraser
Pragmatic Markers
T Giv[ac]on
Coherence in Text versus Coherence in Mind
C Goodwin
Action and Embodiment within Situated Human Interaction
A C Graesser, M Singer and T Trabasso
Constructing Inferences during Narrative Text Comprehension
P Graham
B-L Gunnarsson
Medical Discourse
M H Harness Goodwin
Tactical Uses of Stories
J Heritage and G Raymond
The Terms of Agreement
J Holmes
Politeness, Power and Provocation
K Hyland
Stance and Engagement
J Irvine
When Talk Isn't Cheap
S J[um]ager
Political Discourse
A Jaworski et al
The Uses and Representations of Local Languages in Tourist Destinations
G Jefferson
Notes on 'Latency' in Overlap Onset
B Johnstone
Sociolinguistic Resources, Individual Identities and Public Speech Styles of Texas Women
W Kintsch
The Role of Knowledge in Discourse Comprehension
C Kitzinger
Heteronormativity in Action
H Kotthoff
Oral Genres of Humor
G Kress
Against Arbitrariness
William Labov and Joshua Waletzky
Narrative Analysis
M Lazar
Gender, Discourse and Semiotics
P Linell and M Bredmar
Reconstructing Topical Sensitivity
A Luke
The Body Literate
R K S Macaulay
You Know, It Depends
D Maingueneau
Analyzing Self-Constituting Discourses
J R Martin
Rojo L Mart[ac]in
Division and Rejection
D W Maynard
The News Delivery Sequence
L Mondada
Temporalit[ac]e, S[ac]equentialit[ac]e et Multimodalit[ac]e au Fondement de l'Organisation de l'Interaction
D Mumby
The Political Function of Narrative in Organizations
E Ochs
Talking to Children in Western Samoa
B H Partee
Nominal and Temporal Anaphora
S Philips
The Organization of Ideological Diversity in Discourse
M Plantin
Argumentation Studies and Discourse Analysis
A Pomerantz
Extreme Case Formulations
J Potter
Discursive Social Psychology
U Quasthoff
Were You Ever in a Situation Where You Were in Serious Danger of Being Killed? Narrator-Listener Interaction in Labov and Waletzky's Narratives
E A Schegloff
Confirming Allusions
D Schiffrin
Narrative as Self-Portrait
R Scollon
The Discourses of Food in the World System
J Sherzer
A Discourse-Centered Approach to Language and Culture
Linguistics as Metaphor
J Swales and H Najjar
The Writing of Research Article Introductions
D Tannen
The Relativity of Linguistic Strategies
P Ten Have
Talk and Institution
J Thornborrow
Principal, Plausibility and the Historic Present
S A Thompson and E Couper-Kuhlen
The Clause as a Locus of Grammar and Interaction
R Tolmach Lakoff
The O J Simpson Case as an Exercise in Narrative Analysis
K Tracy and J Naughton
The Identity Work of Questioning in Intellectual Discussion
T A Van Dijk
Discourse and the Denial of Racism
F H Van Eemeren and P Houtlosser
Strategic Maneuvering
T Van Leeuwen
The Representation of Social Actor
J Verschueren
Predicaments of Criticism
M Wetherell
Positioning and Interpretative Repertoires
U Windisch
Daily Political Communication and Argumentation in Direct Democracy
R Wodak
Turning the Tables