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185 Results Found for "Study Skills"


How to spot fake news and avoid bias – your guide to better (Critical) Thinking

London, UK. How can we make the most of the resources at our fingertips while retaining a sense of control and understanding? How, moreover, can we make the most of the human capacity for reasoning and creativity in an age where technologies like big data and artificial intelligence (AI) are encroaching on areas of expertise?

Exclusive UCL textbook collection from Sage

UCL and Sage Publishing have teamed up to offer you and your students free unlimited access to 96 of our premium textbook titles in eTextbook format, available through your library.

The titles range from discipline specific textbooks, to Research Methods and Study Skills books. All you have to do is look up one of the titles on offer on the UCL library page and you can access it, on or off campus.


Control classroom chaos and provide a quality learning atmosphere: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Classroom Management

Los Angeles, CA. Some teachers have classrooms where exceptional learning is the norm for each student and, at the same time, those students are courteous and feel safe and cared for. Other classrooms can be chaotic and disjointed and quality learning is difficult to achieve. How do the excellent teachers balance learning and student support? The SAGE Encyclopedia of Classroom Management raises issues and introduces evidence-based, real-world strategies for creating and maintaining well-managed classrooms where excellent learning thrives.

Sage International Books Catalogues

These catalogues are compiled primarily for the use of our international agents and bookseller partners, and their content will reflect titles with international appeal. Each catalogue contains a selection of forthcoming titles, as well as bestsellers. Excel listings for the titles within the catalogues are also accessible here.

Children and Adolescent Therapy

children and adolescent therapy header

Take a look below at the free resources on children and adolescent therapy. We've put together these pages with videos, sample chapters, questionnaires and various other useful resources to help you get started.

