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197 Results Found for "History"


Extinction and climate change: An interview with Elizabeth Kolbert

The New Yorker staff writer explains how she researched and why she wrote her new book, The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History

Los Angeles, London - A large proportion of Americans do not believe climate change is occurring. Prominent environmental writer Elizabeth Kolbert explores the denialist phenomenon, the challenges of saving wildlife from extinction, and the journalist’s role in communicating science in an exclusive interview with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, published by SAGE.

Platinum award win for Adam Matthew

Adam Matthew celebrate second platinum award at LibraryWorks, Inc Modern Library Awards

(Marlborough). LibraryWorks, Inc have announced the winners of their second annual Modern Library Awards (MLAs), which saw Adam Matthew receive a Platinum award for ‘Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900' and Honorable Mention distinction for 'Popular Culture in Britain and America, 1950-1975'.

From invasions and civil wars to revolutions and revolts

Explore a rich period of Middle Eastern history through complete runs of British Government Foreign Office Files

Marlborough, UK. Formerly classified documents on the Middle East from the British Government’s Foreign Office have been published in Foreign Office Files for the Middle East, 1971-1981 – an online teaching and research collection from award-winning publisher, Adam Matthew.

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists unveils interactive infographic that tracks the world’s nuclear weapons

CHICAGO – The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has unveiled an interactive infographic that tracks the number and history of nuclear weapons in the nine nuclear weapon states: the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, and North Korea. The Nuclear Notebook Interactive Infographic is designed to provide a visual representation of the Bulletin’s famed Nuclear Notebook, which since 1987 has tracked the number and type of the world’s nuclear arsenals.

Find All the Facts About Congress in: Congress A to Z, 6th Edition

Washington, DC - Where would you go to get facts about all those who have served as Speaker of the House of Representatives? How could you find the names of all the congresswomen or the racial make-up of those who have served in Congress? What if you just want to learn about how a bill actually becomes a law? You’d go to the brand new Sixth Edition of the classic, easy-to-use Congress A to Z published by CQ Press.

How much should be taxed and where should it be spent? Find out in Guide to U.S. Economic Policy

Washington, DC - Imagine living in North Korea or Cuba, where 90% of your earnings are taxed to pay for luxurious presidential palaces and lavish parties while you barely survive. How much a government takes from its citizens, and what that money is spent on, makes up a country’s economic policy. How has the United States determined its own economic policy through history? How has that changing policy through the years affected our standard of living? The new Guide to U.S. Economic Policy, published by CQ Press, answers these questions.

World-renowned collection of Shakespeare material to be digitized

Adam Matthew

Adam Matthew announces exclusive agreement with the Folger Shakespeare Library as part of a new series of theatre-related projects

Adam Matthew is delighted to announce the digitisation of the world’s largest collection of prompt books from the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C.

Digital collection now complete for: First World War Portal

Adam Matthew releases Visual Perspectives and Narratives

Marlborough, England - Adam Matthew announced today that they have released The First World War: Visual Perspectives and Narratives, the final section of its acclaimed First World War Portal, sourced from the unparalleled archives of the Imperial War Museum, London.
