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642 Results Found for "Education"


How much (and what kind of) technology should be used at school? The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology

Los Angeles - From calculators to smart phones, overhead projectors to video surveillance cameras, and microfiche to the Internet, technology continues to evolve in schools. When did technology first appear in education, and where is it going? How do educators decide how much technology to use? Will technology ultimately replace teachers? Answering questions like these–and many more–is The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology, examining information on how to leverage the power of technology to support teaching and learning.

Winner of the BERA SAGE Public Impact Awards announced

London, UK. Today SAGE and BERA are delighted to announce that Professor Robin Alexander, Chair of the Cambridge Primary Review Trust, is this year’s winner of the newly launched BERA SAGE Public Impact Awards. Celebrating a researcher or a policy maker who has shown demonstrable impact with their work, the award recognises the important impact of research and practice in the education community.

SAGE and SOPHE launch Pedagogy in Health Promotion

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE and the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) announce today the launch of a new journal, Pedagogy in Health Promotion: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (PHP). PHP will publish its first issue in 2015.

How should curriculum be chosen?

Los Angeles, CA - Does curriculum really matter? Who gets to decide what students are taught? Should the government get involved? How about the parents? Or the students themselves? And what other issues should be considered when curriculum decisions are made? Bringing clarity to the debate is The SAGE Guide to Curriculum in Education, which explores the interdependence and interconnectedness of the four commonplaces of curriculum: subject matter, teachers, learners, and milieu.

SAGE extends partnership with Load2Learn scheme delivered by RNIB and Dyslexia Action

Los Angeles, CA - SAGE today announced an extended partnership with the Load2Learn initiative delivered by the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) and Dyslexia Action to provide books in an accessible format for the visually impaired and print disabled. From today, this partnership will enable all registered users access to over 2,000 SAGE books from across disciplines.
