Consumer Research
Introspective Essays on the Study of Consumption
- Morris B. Holbrook - Columbia University, USA, Columbia Business School, United States
Other Titles in:
Consumer Marketing
Consumer Marketing
November 2014 | 432 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This collection of essays provides a personal, thought-provoking and often humorous documentation of the evolution of the field of consumer research. The book highlights aspects of hotly debated issues that surround this field of inquiry, and presents a picture of how consumer research has grown and developed over the past 25 years.
A Brief History of Morris the Cat
Theory Development is a Jazz Solo
On Hatching a Program of Consumer Research
What Is Consumer Research?
O, Consumer, How You've Changed
Whither Consumer Research?
Romanticism, Subjective Personal Introspection, and Morris the Epicurean
The Role of Lyricism in Consumer Research
Dogmatism and Catastrophe in the Development of Marketing Thought
I'm Hip