About the Author
1. The Educational Leadership Constituent Council Standards as Tools for Improved District Performance
Superintendent Concerns Generated by a Changing Society
What Skills Should a Twenty-First-Century Superintendent Possess?
History and Development of the Educational Leadership Constituent Council Standards
What Are the ELCC Standards?
Creating the Connection Between the ELCC Standards and Realistic Practice
The Role of the Superintendent in a Changing Democratic Society
2. It's All About the Vision
Developing a District Vision
Articulating the District Vision
Implementing the District Vision
Being a Good Steward of the District Vision
Promoting Community Involvement in the District Vision
Developing and Articulating a District Vision: Where Are We Going to Put So Many New Students?
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Implementing and Being a Good Steward of the District Vision: Let's Try This One More Time
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Promoting Community Involvement in the District Vision: But...We Used to Win All the Time! What's Going On?
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
3. Advocating, Nurturing, and Sustaining Enhanced Student Learning and Staff Professional Growth
Promoting A Positive District Culture
Providing an Effective Instructional Program
Applying Best Practices to Student Learning
Designing Comprehensive Professional Growth Plans
Promoting a Postive District Culture: Hello! I'm New Here!
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Providing an Effective Instructional Program: But We're Doing the Best That We Can!
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Applying Best Practices to Student Learning: Addressing the Dropout Problem in an Urban District
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Designing Comprehensive Professional Growth Plans: The Sowell-Watson CSD University
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
4. Leadership Through Management of District Organization, Operations, and Resources
Managing the Organization of the District
Managing District Operations
Managing District Resources
Managing the Organization of the District: A Winding Road in an Urban Area
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Managing District Operations: Baby, It's Raining Outside!
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Managing District Resources: Lord, Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
5. Creating a Collaborative Learning Community
Collaborating with Families and Other Community Members
Responding to Community Interests and Needs
Mobilizing Community Resources
Collaborating with Families and Other Community Members: The Answer's Not Blowing in the Wind
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Responding to Community Interests and Needs: The Faint of Heart Need Not Apply
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Mobilizing Community Resources: Jimmy Cracked Corn, and We Do Care
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
6. The Ethical District Leader
Acts With Integrity: Please Don't Slay the Messenger
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Acts Fairly: Why Is This Happening to Me? What Did I Do Wrong?
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Acts Ethically: Is Equal Always Ethical? Or Is Ethical Always Equal?
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
7. District and School Community Politics
Understanding the Larger Context
Responding to the Larger Context
Influencing the Larger Context
Understanding the Larger Context: It's What's Inside That Counts, or Beauty is Only Skin Deep
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Responding to the Larger Context: Change for the Sake of Change, or Too Much Change Too Fast?
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
Influencing the Larger Context: Let's Define Justice
Reflective Practice: Pause and Think
8. The Superintendent Internship
Domain I - Leadership of the Educational Community
Domain II - Instructional Leadership
Domain III - Administrative Leadership
Planned and Guided Cooperatively
9. It's Up to You
Suggested Additional Reading