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Passing the Superintendent TExES Exam

Passing the Superintendent TExES Exam
Keys to Certification and District Leadership

Foreword by Jeanne M. Gerlach

Other Titles in:
Local Authorities

December 2009 | 216 pages | Corwin
Elaine L. Wilmore guides superintendents in Texas and elsewhere through the certification test in Passing the Superintendent TExES Exam, the sequel to her best-selling Passing the Principal TExES Exam.

This comprehensive resource is a must-have for anyone taking the superintendent TExES exam, but it will also be useful to others across the nation and around the world as the Texas standards are closely aligned with those of the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC).

By breaking down the domains and competencies of the test into manageable components, Wilmore guides readers through personal success plans to superintendent certification.

Foreword by Jeanne M. Gerlach
About the Author
Section I. Content: The Knowledge Base
1. Welcome to Our World!

The Domains

Getting Started

Section II. The Theoretical Framework
2. It's All Good
Global Overview of TExES Domains

"Guess My Favorites"

The Ideal Superintendent


The Three Domains

Domain I: Leadership of the Educational Community

Domain II: Instructional Leadership

Domain III: Administrative Leadership

Domain I: Leadership of the Educational Community
3. Competency 001, Learner-Centered Values and Ethics of Leadership
The Superintendent Knows How to:

Guess My Favorites

Important Points to Remember

4. Competency 002, Learner-Centered Leadership and District Culture
The Superintendent Knows How to:

Guess My Favorites

Important Points to Remember

5. Competency 003, Learner-Centered Communication and Community Relations
The Superintendent Knows How to:

Guess My Favorites

Important Points to Remember

6. Competency 004, Learner-Centered Contexts
The Superintendent Knows How to:

Guess My Favorites

Important Points to Remember

Domain II: Instructional Leadership
7. Competency 005, Learner-Centered Strategic Planning
The Superintendent Knows How to:

Guess My Favorites

Important Points to Remember

8. Competency 006, Learner-Centered Instructional Leadership and Management
The Superintendent Knows How to:

Guess My Favorites

Important Points to Remember

9. Competency 007, Learner-Centered Human Resource Leadership and Management
The Superintendent Knows How to:

Guess My Favorites

Important Points to Remember

Domain III: Administrative Leadership
10. Competency 008, Learner-Centered Business and Technology of District Leadership and Management
The Superintendent Knows How to:

Guess My Favorites

Important Points to Remember

11. Competency 009, Learner-Centered Support Systems and the Physical Plant
The Superintendent Knows How to:

Guess My Favorites

Important Points to Remember

12. Competency 010, Learner-Centered Organizational Leadership and Management
The Superintendent Knows How to:

Guess My Favorites

Important Points to Remember

Section III. The Real Deal: Practical Application
13. Data Analysis: How Do I Read All Those Reports?
Data Analysis Simplified

How to Read and Interpret Standardized Test Scores

The Pleasant Surprise

How to Read and Interpret an "Academic Excellence Indicator System" Report

Section I of an AEIS Report: Student Testing Data

Section I of an AEIS Report: Student Attendance

Section II of an AEIS Report


14. Test-Taking Strategies
The Layout of the Day

Morning Session: The District Profile Packet

Afternoon Session: Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills

The Dot Game: A Psychological and Time Management Strategy

The Dog and Star Game: A Decision-Making Strategy

Multiple-Multiples: To Maximize Success Always Use "The Process"

Key Words and Themes: "Sherry's" Revisited

The Ideal Superintendent

Strategy Summary

15. Creating a Personal Success Plan
Tips for Those Who Have Not Been Successful on the Exam...Yet

The "Elaine Wilmore 5-C Plan"

Application of Competencies


Reading Comprehension and/or Speed Reading Courses or Review

Tips for Out-of-State Future Texas Superintendents

Everyone, Texans and Non-Texans Alike

From Now 'til the Week You Test

The Week You Test

What to Do, and Not Do, the Night Before the Test

What to Do, and Not Do, the Morning of the Test

Living Your Life After the Test

Section IV. After You Pass the Test
16. That's What I'm Talking About
Actually Becoming Certified

Ace It!

Suggested Additional Reading

"Wilmore is known throughout Texas as the guru of helping educators pass the required state certification exams for teachers and practical administrators. Her useful insights and tips have helped hundred of students. I highly recommend Wilmore’s book for anyone who desires a passing score."

James D. Lanb, Superintendent
Midland Academy, TX

"At a time when busy educational leaders must make every minute count, this book is refreshing in its clarity, efficient organization, and commonsense approach! For those aspiring to the higher levels of leadership in an increasingly complex profession, Wilmore’s approach is direct, specific, and attentive to the details that matter and to the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that make a successful school administrator."

Tom Parks, Editor
Journal of Practical Leadership

"Wilmore has a gift for cutting through what seems confusing to prospective and practicing administrators. Her approach to education administration provides clarity in my day-to-day challenge to make a positive impact on the teachers and students I work with as a school administrator. Read this book."

George Bancroft, Assistant Principal
Big Spring High School, TX

"Wilmore has hit another homerun! I read Wilmore’s Passing the Principal TExES Exam and found it not only very beneficial in passing the exam, but also very practical and easy to read. Her new book, Passing the Superintendent TExES Exam, is another great resource to help all future administrators not only pass the test, but also fully understand the domains and competencies set forth by SBEC. Wilmore's knowledge, wisdom, and enthusiasm are all evident in this outstanding book that is a must-read for all those interested in passing the exam and entering the wonderful career of school administration."

Jay E. McWilliams, Principal
McCamey High School, TX

"Thanks for helping me pass my TExES examination for superintendent. I had taken the test several times and I was frustrated because I would get very close to getting a 240 but kept falling just under that score. Your words of encouragement and the techniques in your book help very much to build my confidence and breeze through the test."


David W. Newhouse, Principal
Bovina Middle School

We will be using this text to prepare post-master's students to take the TExEs exam this summer. Dr. WIlmore is a favorite among our students, smart and funny in her advice.

Dr Lillian Farris
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Texas A&M University-Central Texas
November 2, 2011

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1: Welcome to Our World

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412956192