Doing Science
Innovative Curriculum for the Life Sciences
- Neal A. Glasgow - San Dieguito Union High School District, California
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October 1996 | 184 pages | Corwin
Problem-based, student-centred learning is the key to implementation of the national standards for science education in the United States. Students learn science best by `doing' science, by identifying real-world problems and designing projects that lead to possible solutions.
Based on extensive experience in an award-winning US high school science programme, this book provides a step-by-step guide for designing problem-based learning in the life sciences.
Introduction to Science Teaching Philosophy
Teaching and Learning Today
The Basic Elements or Characteristics of the Problem-Based Curriculum
Science without the Mess
Big Nonlaboratory Problems (but Could Include Laboratory Experiences!)
Doing Authentic Science
Examples of Mentored Project Experiences
Other Real Science Projects
Defining the Outcomes
Curricular Accountability
Science Education Then and Now