Kenneth Bush University of York Heslington, York, England
Kenneth Bush is Executive Director and Altajir Lecturer in Post-war Recovery Studies at the Post-war Reconstruction and Development Unit of the University of York, UK. He received his PhD in International Relations and Comparative Politics from Cornell University, New York. Throughout his career, Dr Bush has worked within and between the worlds of research, policy and practice, inside and outside conflict zones. His work seeks to bridge the gap between peace studies and evaluation— in particular, his work focuses on peace and conflict impact assessment (PCIA) and on the ethical, political, logistical and methodological challenges confronting evaluators in conflict zones. Dr Bush was a founding professor of the Conflict Studies Programme at St Paul University in Ottawa, Canada. He has published and taught courses on evaluation, methodology for peace and conflict studies, social justice, ethnicised conflict, peacebuilding, post-cold war security, international relations theory, conflict management, forced displacement, war-affected kids, foreign policy and indigenous governance. Dr Bush has worked with a broad spectrum of policy, development and humanitarian organisations in the Global North and South.