Lucy R. Ford, Terri A. Scandura
Chapter 1: Introduction
PART 1: Conceptual Issues and Operational Definition
Serena Miller
Chapter 2: A Framework for Evaluating and Creating Formal Conceptual Definitions: A Concept Explication Approach for Scale Developers
Scott Rosas
Chapter 3: Group Concept Mapping for Measure Development and Validation
PART 2: Research Design Considerations
Jeffrey Stanton
Chapter 4: A Checklist of Design Considerations for Survey Projects
Minna Paunova
Chapter 5: Principlism in Practice: Ethics in Survey Research
Anna Zabinski, Lisa Schurer Lambert, Truit Wert Gray
Chapter 6: Sampling Considerations for Survey Research
Kate Albrecht, Estelle Archibold
Chapter 7: Inductive Survey Research
Jeremy Meuser, Peter Harms
Chapter 8: Reduction of Long to Short Form Likert Measures: Problems and Recommendations
Gavin Brown, Boaz Shulruf
Chapter 9: Response Option Design in Surveys
PART 3: Item Development
Lucy R. Ford, Terri A. Scandura
Chapter 10: A Typology of Threats to Construct Validity in Item Generation
Lisa Schurer Lambert, Truit Wert Gray, Anna Zabinski
Chapter 11: Measurement Models: Reflective and Formative Measures, and Evidence for Construct Validity
Sheila K. Keener, Kathleen R. Keeler, Zitong Sheng, Tine Köhler
Chapter 12: Understanding the Complexities of Translating Measures: A Guide to Improve Scale Translation Quality
Changya Hu, Ekin K. Pellegrini, Gordon W. Cheung, 2023
Chapter 13: Measurement Equivalence/Invariance Across Groups, Time, and Test Formats
PART 4: Scale Improvement Methods, 2023
Justin A. DeSimone
Chapter 14: Reliability
Chester A. Schriesheim, Linda L. Neider
Chapter 15: Validity
Nichelle Carpenter, Bulin Zhang
Chapter 16: Item-level meta-analysis for re-examining (and initial) scale validation: What do the items tell us?
Louis Tay, Andrew Jebb
Chapter 17: Continuum Specification and Validity in Scale Development
Larry Williams, Andrew Hanna
Chapter 18: Exploratory/Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Scale Development
Hui-Fang Chen
Chapter 19: The use of item response theory to detect response styles and rater biases in Likert scales
PART 5: Data Collection
Peter Harms, Alex Marbut
Chapter 20: Utilizing Online Labor Pools for Survey Development
Bella Struminskaya
Chapter 21: Digital technology for data collection
Truit Wert Gray, Lisa Schurer Lambert, Anna Zabinski
Chapter 22: Designing the Survey: Motivational and Cognitive Approaches
Kristin A. Horan, Mindy K. Shoss, Melissa K. Simone
Chapter 23: Preventing and Mitigating the Influence of Bots in Survey Research
PART 6: Data Management and Analysis
John Fleenor
Chapter 24: Multi-source Data Management
Michael T. Braun, Goran Kuljanin, Richard P. DeShon, Christopher R. Dishop
Chapter 25: Data Wrangling for Survey Responses
Michael T. Braun, Goran Kuljanin, Richard P. DeShon, Christopher R. Dishop
Chapter 26: Examining Survey Data for Potentially Problematic Data Patterns
Sheela Pandey, Lars Arnesen, Sanjay K. Pandey
Chapter 27: Computerized Textual Analysis of Open-Ended Survey Responses: A Review and Future Directions
Thomas Greckhamer
Chapter 28: Qualitative Comparative Analysis in Survey Research
Eric Patton
Chapter 29: Open-ended questions in survey research: The why, what, who, and how.
PART 7: Research Production and Dissemination
Michael C. Sturman, José M. Cortina
Chapter 30: Girding your (paper’s) loins for review process: Essential, best, and emerging practices for describing your survey
Marcia J. Simmering-Dickerson
Chapter 31: Communicating Survey Research to Practitioners
Zhao Peng
Chapter 32: Dissemination via data visualization
PART 8: Applications
Terri A. Scandura, Lucy R. Ford
Chapter 33: Scale Development Tutorial
Ethlyn A. Williams, Stephanie L. Castro, Bryan J. Deptula
Chapter 34: Defining and Measuring Developmental Partnerships: A Multidimensional Conceptualization of Mutually Development Relationships for the 21st Century
Ranran Li, Isabel Thielmann, Daniel Balliet, Reinout E. de Vries
Chapter 35: Development of the Generic Situational Strength (GSS) Scale: Measuring Situational Strength Across Contexts
Mary M. Hausfeld, Frankie J. Weinberg
Chapter 36: A Decision Process for Theoretically and Empirically Driven Scale Shortening using OASIS: Introducing the Gendered Communication Instrument – Short Form
David Keating, Jeremy Meuser
Chapter 37: The High-Maintenance Employee: Example of a Scale Development and Validation