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The Primary ICT & E-learning Co-ordinator's Manual

The Primary ICT & E-learning Co-ordinator's Manual
Book Two, A Guide for Experienced Leaders and Managers

  • James Wright - Primary Advisor, Lancashire Education Authority

January 2008 | 208 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
'[This book] certainly isn't one of the dry educational tomes that often bedeck the shelves of the staffroom; it is an informative, accessible text which evolves into an enjoyable read. There aren't too many practitioner manuals that can boast that particular combination. A useful guide for the ICT leader seeking a practical/effective annual structure for their ICT leadership role' - Teach Primary Magazine

This practical manual is the second part of a 2-volume set that together makes up a detailed 2-year training programme for primary ICT and E-learning co-ordinators. The second book takes coordinators through the second year of the programme but may also be used as a starting point by more experienced staff. The structured training programme, timed over three terms, includes:

o a complete review of E-Safety procedures in the light of the Every Child Matters agenda

o Developing a funding model in order to plan for ICT developments, together with a broader ICT action planning review to embed a revised E learning vision through a series of long-term sustainable actions

o Reviewing the curriculum in order to examine how the E Learning community will adapt its core practices to facilitate new technology

o the evolving role of school websites as they assume interactivity and examine the place of E Learning within the extended schools agenda

o Reviewing the use of ICT as a tool for management systems and discussing how ICT can be used to support different groups of children

o examining self-evaluation strategies linked to the school's SEF, the Ofsted Section 5 Framework and Every Child Matters.

The books have a companion website, which will offer downloadable versions of the photocopiable sheets from the book, as well as links to other sources of help and advice.

Chapter 1
Barriers to Success, Preparing an E-Learning Narrative

Revising the Self Review Framework

E-Safety, Raising Staff Awareness

Chapter 2
Barriers to Success, Effective Team Evaluation

E-Saftey, Policy & Procedures

Fron Self Review to a Strategic Plan for ICT

Chapter 3
Establishing ICT Priorities Within A Whole School Context

E-Saftey, Teaching Internet Safety

Chapter 4
E-Safety, Home School Links

Securing ICT Equipment

Understanding ICT Funding Streams

Chapter 5
The Role of ICT in the Foundation Stage

Online Learning - The Digital Divide

Extended Learning - The Role of ICT in the Community

Chapter 6
Extended Learning - Extra Curricular Opportunities 1

Online Learning - Aspects of an Interactive School Website

Able, Gifted and Talented Provision within ICT

Chapter 7
Online Learning - Pupil Access to Leaning Resources

Extended Learning - Extra Curricular Opportunities 2

Able, Gifted and Talented Provision Across the Curriculum

Chapter 8
M.I.S. How ICT is Supporting School Management Systems

Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs

Curriculum Review and Redesign

Chapter 9
School Self Evaluation Of ICT - An Ofsted Perspective

New Technologies - Video Editing, Podcasts and Pupil T.V.

Working with Governors and Parents

Chapter 10
School Self Evaluation of ICT - Progress Over Time

New Technologies - Video Conferencing and Mobile Communications

The National Digital Curriculum - An Implementatioin Review

Chapter 11
School Self Evaluation of ICT - Every Child Matters

New Technologies - Blogs, Wikis and Web 2.0

The ICT Mark and ICT Excellence Awards

Chapter 12
The Road goes ever on and on


A useful and information book to support ICT and E-learning in primary schools

Mr David Corry-Bass
CCLD / H&SC , South Leicestershire College
August 25, 2011

A novel presentation, useful perspectives given to consider how it 'fits in' with you. I can think of many people who would benefit from reading this! Would have preferred the book not to be over-sized though.

Mrs Michelle Rogers
Centre for Early Childhood, University of Worcester
June 3, 2011

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412935616
ISBN: 9781412935609

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