Race and Crime
A Text/Reader
- Helen Taylor Greene - Texas Southern University
- Shaun L. Gabbidon - Penn State Harrisburg, USA, Penn State Harrisburg
Race and Crime: A Text Reader includes a collection of recent articles on race and crime published in a number of leading criminal justice journals, along with original textual material that serves to explain and unify the readings. Through discussion of selected articles, numerous topics are explored, including the historical, social, economic and political contexts of race and crime, such as class, gender, comparative perspectives, justice issues, theories and statistics.
A comprehensive look at wide ranging issues concerning 'race' and crime.
While the focus in on the US, the texts are still relevant to study in relation to the UK.
Green provides a very useful and well-written account of the relationship between race and crime. This book is an excellent supplementary aid to the study of Crime and Deviance, as part of AQA A-level Sociology.
I used it in my CRIJ 5340 Race and Crime Class. It is an excellent reader with cogent, thought-provoking articles on the relevance of race in the contemporary criminal justice system. It is a must read for students and academics alike.
Ray Von Robertson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Sociology
Lamar University
This book provides a good blend of theories and statistics unfortunately the stats are American.
As supplemental text to the original text by the same author- Helen Taylor Greene.
An extremely well thought out book which approaches the aspects of race and crime from many dimensions. Because it is laid out logically it is easy for students to comprehend and the additional discussion questions after each chapter assist with the overall utilisation of the book
This is an excellent text which addresses a wide range of key topics. The text is accessible to undergraduate students and is of an excellent quality. It is good for students to be using a text like this which provides more scope in being a reader. I will be recommending this is a text within the 'Crime and Society' module at year 1 and 'Citizenship and Identity' at year 2 as a supplementary read for those students examining identity in relation to race and crime.
Not adopting as required text but am referring to it for augmentation to current social problems text.
Is great book. This is second copy for adjunct faculty to use as they see fit!
Not adopting as required text but am referring to it for augmentation to current social problems text.
Is great book.