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This book covers so much ground for working with young people and really helps to apply theory to practice. It has an excellent chapter on anti-oppressive practice, an area students sometimes have difficulty writing about and also addresses global youth work and ethical values, among other topics.
Part two applies policy to practice and has some informative chapters around areas such as statutory youth services and the voluntary sector in addition to addressing other current key policies which will really get the student reflecting on their own practice.
Very good and easy to read
An excellent book which covers a lot of ground - very relevant.
Will provide a good, useful overview of underpinning theories and policies in youth work for Foundation degree students
An excellent book which I will recommend to students on the Foundation degree Supporting Young People as well as the BA (Hons) Supporting Young People.
I found this book to be highly relevant to my students who are in youth work placements and have recommended it on numerous occasions. it outlines the relevant issues, conceptual thinking around how we view youth culture. It also directs the student well to reflect on key issues in youth work practice. Excellent.
An excellent book which is key to those studying youth and community work programmes. Full of current debates about youth work.
An informative read for anyone working or training to work, with young people. It debates sociological theory and policy informing high on the agenda practice for young people both national and international level. A good insight to current practice.
A compltete guide to youth work and informal education will be invaluable to students and researchers.
I was impressed with the chapter written by Hazel Kemshall on risk and social policy. I was also impressed with the chapter written by Joe Yates on Youth Justice Policy and practice. This text has been useful for students on the children, young people and crime module.
Interesting - appropriate for lecturers and those who are teaching courses of HE level - but sometimes a little difficult to understand / follow.
This book provides an excellent range of perspectives that are highly relevant for community and youth studies students at undergraduate and postgraduate level.
A very interesting and highly topical selection of chapters which will be useful for probation and police students learngin about working with young people.
Fantasic accessablie book for students and practitioners
A useful source ideal for students studying youth work in the context of a community education degree.
This is a very good text that will enable students to gain an up to date awareness of the issues and context that should be considered when working with young people.
I've made this book an essential text for our Foundation Degree 2nd year students, as well as recommended it for students on the BA. It's highly relevent to the course and I've recieved very positive student feedback.