Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights
Human Rights
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Human rights are universal and indivisible. Their fundamental importance makes it essential for anyone with an interest in the field to keep abreast of the latest developments.
The Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (NQHR) publishes the latest evolutions in the promotion and protection of human rights from around the world. The journal welcomes articles addressing human rights law issues from an international perspective and also welcomes submissions that connect human rights to perspectives from international relations, history, political science, sociology and anthropology. In addition, the Quarterly also publishes recent speeches and lectures delivered on the topic of human rights, as well as a section on new literature in the field of human rights.
The Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights is indexed and abstracted in CSA Social Science Collection (Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS)), Social Sciences Citation Index© (SSCI), Social Scisearch ©, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition and International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA).
NQHR is the official publication of The Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM). SIM is the key centre of expertise of human rights research and education at Utrecht University. With a rich tradition and a keen eye for current and future developments in the field of human rights, SIM is a leading academic research institute and the home base of a vibrant, interdisciplinary and international group of researchers, lecturers, and PhD students.
Katharine Fortin | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Naomi van de Pol | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Karin Arts | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Antoine Buyse | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Yvonne Donders | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Nicola Jägers | Tilburg University, Netherlands |
Jasper Krommendijk | Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands |
Brianne McGonigle Leyh | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Marjolein van den Brink | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Laurence Burgorgue-Larsen | Sorbonne University, France; and Judge at the Constitutional Court of Andorra, Andorra |
Olivier de Schutter | Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium |
Karin de Vries | Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Surya Deva | Macquarie Law School, Australia |
Cees Flinterman | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Shuichi Furuya | Waseda University, Japan |
Mark Goodale | University of Lausanne, Switzerland |
Rhoda E. Howard-Hassmann | Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada |
Sarah Joseph | Griffith University, Australia |
Eva Marie Lassen | Danish Institute for Human Rights in Copenhagen, Denmark |
Tarlach McGonagle | Leiden University, Netherlands; University of Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Chiseche Mibenge | The Guttmacher Institute, USA |
Anja Mihr | Center On Governance Through Human Rights |
Rachel Murray | University of Bristol Law School, UK |
Egbert Myjer | Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, and former judge at the European Court of Human Rights, Netherlands |
Manfred Nowak | Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights, Austria |
Barbara Oomen | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Elina Pirjatanniemi | Åbo Akademi University, Finland |
Pablo Saavedra-Alessandri | Inter-American Court of Human Rights, San José, Costa Rica |
Ian Seiderman | International Commission of Jurists, Switzerland |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.