Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership
Casting Light or Shadow
- Craig E. Johnson - George Fox University, USA
Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership explores the ethical demands of leadership by blending research and theory with practical application, helping students to increase their ethical competence and leadership abilities.
The Sixth Edition includes new and expanded coverage of key topics such as leader hypocrisy, moral identity, ethics of virtual teams and ethical decision making. There are also new self-assessment activities related to narcissism, apology, altruism, social loafing, moral foundations theory, and corporate Samaritans which can be found at the end of each chapter.
A new chapter on Exercising leader influence introduces students to the ethical issues surrounding leader influence tools, and a total of 17 new case studies, including Amazon, Volkswagen and Malala Youzarif, provide contemporary evidence of ethical (and unethical) leadership.
The book is complimented by a companion website featuring a range of tools and resources for lecturers and students, including PowerPoint slides, Testbank, teaching notes, sample course syllabi, an instructor’s manual and access to full-text SAGE Journal articles.
Suitable reading for students studying on leadership courses.
Password-protected Instructor Resources include the following:
- A Microsoft® Word® test bank is available containing multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions for each chapter. The test bank provides you with a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity for editing any question and/or inserting your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding.
- Editable, chapter-specific Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides offer you complete flexibility in easily creating a multimedia presentation for your course.
- Teaching notes for cases are designed for instructors to expand questions to students, or initiate class discussion.
- An instructor manual by author Craig E. Johnson includes teaching strategies, assignments, and projects.
- Sample course syllabi provide suggested models for use when creating the syllabi for your courses.
- EXCLUSIVE! Access to certain full-text SAGE journal articles that have been carefully selected for each chapter. Each article supports and expands on the concepts presented in the chapter. This feature also provides questions to focus and guide student interpretation. Combine cutting-edge academic journal scholarship with the topics in your course for a robust classroom experience.
The open-access Student Study Site features:
- EXCLUSIVE access to selected full-text SAGE journal articles for each chapter. Each article supports and expands on the concepts presented in the chapter. This feature also provides questions to focus and guide your interpretation.
Sample Materials & Chapters
Chapter 3 - The Leader's Character
Chapter 12 - Ethical Crisis Leadership