Logistics and Supply Chain Integration
- Ian Sadler - Victoria University of Technololgy, Australia
Supply Chain Management
For students who want to advance their understanding of company logistics and supply chains, the author examines how a number of firms in a supply chain work together to create a flow of products and services that satisfies end customers, whilst enabling all the manufacturing and service companies involved to grow profitably.
Including the most recent concepts and theoretical advances to emerge from the field of logistics and supply chain management, this text informs and assists its readers with the aid of case studies and accompanying questions, diagrams, photos and an accompanying website.
Undecided. I am in the process of considering recommending this book as a supplemental title for MSC students in logistics and supply. I am unsure about it because the quantitative tools of the discipline do not receive much coverage. The concepts however are robust and all of the major developments in the literature/theory receive discussion.
A good source for students and practitioners, covering key concepts and modern approaches in logistics and supply chain. Further advantages: a glossary, an extensive index, numerous case studies.
Have used the book when designing the content of the course and will use certain chapters as supplementary reading.
Interesting process approach. Good for a quick overview of the different topics.
Good book, self and collegue using to develop new MSc course.