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An International Journal
Other Titles in:
Immunology | Lupus Erythematosus

eISSN: 14770962 | ISSN: 09612033 | Current volume: 34 | Current issue: 2 Frequency: 14 Times/YearTimes/Year

The only fully peer reviewed international journal devoted exclusively to lupus (and related disease) research. Lupus includes the most promising new clinical and laboratory-based studies from leading specialists in all lupus-related disciplines.

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The only fully peer-reviewed international journal devoted exclusively to lupus (and related disease) research.

Lupus includes the most promising new clinical and laboratory-based studies from leading specialists in all lupus-related disciplines.

Invaluable reading, with extended coverage, lupus-related disciplines include:

  • Rheumatology
  • Dermatology
  • Immunology
  • Obstetrics
  • Psychiatry
  • Cardiovascular Research

Leading international specialists present their findings on Lupus, in one outstanding reference.

Maria Laura Bertolaccini St Thomas' Hospital, UK
Editor Emeritus
Graham RV Hughes Head of London Lupus Centre
Associate Editors
Munther Khamashta Head of Lupus Clinic, Rheumatology Department, Dubai Hospital, UAE
S Sciascia University of Torino, Italy
Editorial Board
GS Alarcon The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
P Alba Hospital Cordoba, Rheumatology
M-C Amigo National Institute of Cardiology, Mexico
S Appenzeller State University of Campinas, Internal medicine
T Atsumi Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan
S Bombardieri University de Pisa, Rheumatology
DT Boumpas University of Crete, Greece
JP Buyon New York University, USA
R Cervera Hospital Clinic 1 Provincial, Internal Medicine
DTM Chan University of Hong Kong, Medicine
R Cimaz University of Milan, Italy
David D’Cruz St Thomas' Hospital, UK
Fereydoun Davatchi Tehran University of Medical Science, Iran
A Doria University of Padova, Italy
T Dorner Department of Medicine, Charita Berlin
C Edwards Southampton General Hospital, UK
K Elkon Cornell Medical College, USA
D Erkan Hospital for Special Surgery, Rheumatology
Pao-Hsii Feng Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore
C Flower Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Medicine
MJ Fritzler University of Calgary, Canada
Dr Antonio Gil La Paz Hospital, Madrid
J Gomez-Puerta Universidad de Antioquia Grupo de Inmunologia Celular et Immunogenetica
BH Hahn University of California, Los Angeles, USA
JG Hanly Dalhousie University, Canada
EN Harris University of the West Indies, Jamaica
E. Hess University of Cincinnati, USA
FA Houssiau Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
O. Hubscher CEMIC, Argentina
BJ Hunt St Thomas' Hospital, UK
Meenakshi Jolly,MD, MS Rush University, USA
JR Kalden F.A.-University Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany
A Kaul St George's Hospital and Medical School, UK
T Koike Hokkaido University, Japan
S. Krilis St George Hospital, Australia
A Kuhn University Medical Center Mainz, Mainz, Germany
V Kyttaris Beth Israel Medical Center, USA
Robert G Lahita MD, PhD, FACP, MACR, FRCP Chairman of Medicine
CS Lau China
R Levy UERJ Rhematology
MH Liang Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA
MD Lockshin Cornell Medical College, USA
AN Malaviya Arthritis & Rheumatism Clinic, Rheumatology
PL Meroni University of Milan, Italy
T Millard Gloucestershire Royal hospital
CC Mok Tuen Mun and Pok Oi Hospital, New Territories, Hong Kong
Javier Molina Health Sciences Institute - CES, Colombia
G Moroni Fondazione IRCCS Cà Granda Ospedale Maggiore Milano, Italy
V Moulton Beth Israel Deacones Medical Center, Medicine/Rheumatology
H. Moutsopoulos University of Athens, Greece
A.L. Parke University of Connecticut Health Cent, USA
M Petri Johns Hopkins University, USA
Jean-Charles Piette Salpetriere Hospital, France
A Rahman University College London, UK
R. Rubin University of New Mexico, USA
G Ruiz-Irastorza Hospital de Cruces, Spain
JE Salmon Hospital for Special Surgery, USA
PH Schur Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA
GD Sebastiani Azienda Ospedaliera San Camillo - Forlanini, Italy
Y Shoenfeld Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel
R. Smeenk Sanquin Diagnostic Services, Netherlands
JS Smolen Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Richard Sontheimer University of Iowa, USA
L Stojanovich Bezanijska Kosa Medical Center, Internal Medicine/Rheumatology
V Strand Stanford University, USA
T. Swaak Zuiderziekenhuis, Rotterdam, Netherlands
M Tektonidou National University of Athens, Greece
GC Tsokos Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, USA
L Tucker United States
MB Urowitz University of Toronto, Canada
S Vasoo Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital, Singapore
D Wallace Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA
P Youinou University of Brest, France
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