The Journal of School Nursing
Martha Dewey Bergren, PhD, RN, NCSN, PHNA-BC, FNASN, FASHA, FAAN | University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing, USA |
As the official research publication of the National Association of School Nurses (, The Journal of School Nursing (JOSN) provides a bimonthly peer-reviewed forum for improving the health of school children and the health of the school community. The JOSN seeks to engage a broad range of clinicians, scholars and community leaders in an ongoing exchange of information through scholarly articles, including original research, brief research reports, literature reviews, evidenced-based innovations in clinical practice or policy, and letters to the editor. In addition to the nursing perspective, the expertise from medicine, public health, epidemiology, health services research, policy analysis, education administration, and other disciplines that contribute to the health and well-being of students from pre-school through high school are welcome.
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As the official research publication of the National Association of School Nurses (, The Journal of School Nursing (JOSN) provides a bimonthly peer-reviewed forum for improving the health of school children from and the health of the school community.
JOSN Authors and Readers: All disciplines that contribute to the health and well-being of students from pre-school through high school are welcome to contribute to JOSN, including but not limited to:
- Clinical social workers
- Child and family counselors
- Epidemiologists
- Health policy administrators & researchers
- Health education and health promotion professionals
- Mental health providers/professionals
- Patient navigators
- Pediatric and family nurse practitioners
- Pediatricians and Primary care providers
- Quality improvement professionals
- Specialty providers
- Public health professionals
- School administrators
- School nurse educators and researchers
- School nurses
Relevant Topics: All topics involving the health and well-being of students from pre-school through high school, including but not limited to:
- Administrative issues
- Care coordination
- Growth and developmental issues
- Health behavior
- Health education/ health promotion for students, families and school community
- Health policy
- Health services delivery
- Interpersonal violence/ bullying / abuse
- Informatics
- Leadership
- Legal and ethical issues
- Mental health
- Parenting and family
- Population health
- Problems in clinical practice
- Program evaluation
- Professional school nursing issues
- Public Health/school health issues
- Quality Improvement
- Safety in schools
- School environment
- School health programming
- Social determinants of health
- Student/child health policy
- Transitional care for special populations
Mayumi Willgerodt, PhD, RN, FAAN | University of Washington, School of Nursing, USA |
Martha Dewey Bergren, PhD, RN, NCSN, PHNA-BC, FNASN, FASHA, FAAN | University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Nursing, USA |
Robert Atkins, PhD, RN, FAAN | Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD, USA |
Heide Cygan, DNP, RN, PHNA-BC | Rush University College of Nursing, IL, USA |
Deborah D’Souza- Vazirani, DrPH | National Association of School Nurses, USA |
Elizabeth Dickson, PhD, RN | University of New Mexico, College of Nursing, NM, USA |
Ellen M. McCabe, PhD, RN, PNP-BC, FNASN | Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, Hunter College, New York, NY, USA |
Ann O. Nichols, MSN, RN, NCSN, FNASN | Independent school nursing/health consultant, researcher, and educator |
Krista Schroeder, PhD, RN | Temple University, College of Public Health, PA. USA |
April J. Ancheta, PhD, RN | University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA |
Diane Davis, DNP, RN, CNL | Georgetown University School of Nursing and Health Studies, Washington, DC, USA |
Patricia Endsley, PhD, RN, NCSN | Cambridge College School of Education, Cambridge, MA |
Elif Isik, PhD, RN | Texas Women’s University, College of Nursing, TX, USA |
Regina Lai Tong Lee, PhD, RN | The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China |
India Rose, PhD, MPH, CHES | Chamberlain University, Hillsboro, KS, USA |
Shannon Baker-Powell, PhD, RN, CNE, CDP | East Carolina University College of Nursing, Greenville, NC, USA |
Andrea Tanner, PhD, RN, NCSN | Indiana University School of Nursing, USA |
Julia Muennich Cowell, PhD, RN, PHNA-BC, FNASN, FAAN | Rush University, College of Nursing, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.