European Educational Research Journal
Educational Research Methods
The EERJ publishes education research articles and special issues which include a reflection on how the European context-and other related global or regional dynamics-shape educational research topics. In this regard, although the journal is also interested in processes of Europeanisation of education that stem from the political institution of the European Union, European educational research is understood more broadly as an umbrella term that includes multiple educational scholarship orientations (such as education history, sociology, arts education, curriculum, pedagogy or other) with a focus on Europe. This approach is unique in the sense that it offers a scholarly place for reflexivity over processes of Europeanisation, as well as providing a transnational perspective on European education research that is not bounded within the traditional boundaries of education systems, but that brings together the multi-level, multi-faceted and interdependent nature of political, historical and societal developments as reflected in educational contexts across the European continent. Such diversity of topics and foci also reflect the journal’s own history: EERJ was founded -and is still supported- by the European Educational Research Association (EERA) in order to further the aims of the association and its members, education networks and researchers across Europe.
L'European Educational Research Journal a été créé par l'Association Européenne de la Recherche Pédagogique (EERA) pour avancer les buts de l'association et de ses membres, les rechercheurs pédagogiques à travers l'Europe.
EERA a été fondé pour encourager la recherche pédagogique en Europe, pour favoriser la coopération entre les associations de la recherche pédagogique et pour faciliter la communication entre les décideurs et les professeurs. EERA veut que son journal construise une communauté transnationale de spécialistes à travers l'idée de 'l'Espace de Recherche Pédagogique Européenne'.
La condition actuelle de la recherche pédagogique en Europe est diverse: il y a des traditions et des méthodologies de recherche qui sont partagées en tout l'Europe mais il y en a d'autres qui souvent s'excluent l'une l'autre. Une redéfintion de l'idée de la recherche, menée par la politique, se passe actuellement: d'une position d'enquête morale dans un processus d'action technique; et on voit que la recherche ne se trouve plus seulement dans les universités et dans les départements publiques mais aussi dans une gamme de fornisseurs de services publiques et privées.
Le contexte dans lequel les rechercheurs pédagogiques aujourd'hui est un contexte où les discours de la 'Zone de Recherche Pédagogique Européenne' et la 'Zone de Recherche Européenne', mis ensemble avec d'autres flux 'sans frontières' d'internationalisation de programmes, avec des associations publiques-privées et des alliances universitaires, transforment le milieu de la recherche pédagogique.
Un défi qui s'addresse à l'EERA est de comprendre ce processus et de rendre visible la globalisation. Au même temps, la difficulté de créer une éspace de recherche européenne qui est vitale est le résultat d'une manque d'informations partagées au sujet de la recherche publique et les politiques de recherche pédagogique européennes et nationales. L'Europe est un endroit; mais c'est un endroit qui se transforme et qui est aussi imaginaire. L'idée de l'Espace de Recherche Pédagogique Européenne peut être une métaphore pour une pratique sociale et intellectuelle, culturellement specifique, usée par les rechercheurs pédagogiques qui engage, dans beaucoup de façons différentes, avec la similitude et la différence. L'European Educational Research Journal sera une tribune pour un dialogue constructif qui reconnaît la particularité et la difference, qui admet et qui cherche à aborder la faiblesse relative des liens entre les sciences humaines et la recherche pédagogique en Europe. Par ailleurs, il cherche à developper des methodologies pour étudier la nouvelle 'éspace' de recherche pédagogique en Europe.
Le journal fera paraître les aspets de la recherche pédagogique qui font la lumière sur des cas et des contextes en particulier dans 'l'Espace de Recherche Pédagogique Européenne'.
Das European Educational Research Journal (Europäisches Pädagogisches Forschungs Journal) ist von dem Europäisch Pädagogischen Forschungsverband (European Educational Research Association - EERA) erstellt worden, um die Ziele des Verbands und seinen Mitgliedern auf dem Gebiet der pädagogischen Forschung zu fördern.
Die EERA wurde gegründet, um die pädagogische Forschung in Europa zu verbessern, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Verbänden pädagogischer Forschung zu fördern und um klare Kommunikation mit und zwischen Politologen und Lehrern zu ermöglichen. Die EERA beabsichtigt, mit dieser Zeitschrift eine 'transnationale' Gemeinschaft von Gelehrten, mit und durch die Idee der 'European Educational Research Space' (Europäische Pädagogische Forschungsraum), zu erschaffen. Der aktuelle Zustand pädagogischer Forschung in Europa ist gemischt: einige Forschungstraditionen und Methologien werden in Europa geteilt aber andere schliessen einander oft aus; eine politikbetriebene neue Definition der Idee von Forschung findet statt - von einem Standpunkt moralischer Anfrage zu einem Prozess technischer Tat; und es gibt eine wahrnehmbare Entfernung von seiner Stelle in Universitäts- und öffentlichen Abteilungen zu einer Auswahl von öffentlichen und privaten Versorgern.
Erziehungsforscher der Europäischen Union arbeiten heute in Zusammenarbeit, wo den mobilisierenden Diskurs zwischen dem 'European Educational Research Area' (Europäischen Pädagogischen Forschungsgegend) und dem 'European Research Area' (Europäischen Forschungsgegend) in Kombination mit anderen Einflüssen 'ohne Grenzen' des Internationalismus von Programmen, öffentlich-privaten Gemeinschaften und Universitätsbündnisse, stellen das Milieu von Forschung in Erziehungswissenschaften um. Die EERA hat diesen Prozess als eine Herausforderung zu verstehen und macht Globalismus erkenntlich. Gleichzeitig, die Schwierigkeit einen unerlässlichen europäischen Forschungsbereich zu schaffen ist eine Folge des Mangels an gemeinsamer Information über öffentliche Forschung und nationale und europäische Forschungspolitik in Erziehungswissenschaften. Europa ist ein Bereich; aber es ist ein wechselnder Bereich, oder sogar ein vorgestellter Bereich. Die Idee des Europäische Pädagogische Forschungsraums darf als eine Metapher für eine kulturell spezifische, Intellektuell- und Sozialpraxis unter die Erziehungsforscher benutzt werden, die sich in vieler verschiedenen Hinsichten mit Orts- und Globalähnlichkeit und Unterschieden beteiligt.
Das Europäisches Pädagogisches Forschungs Journal wird ein Forum für konstruktiven Dialog sein, der Besonderheit und Unterschied erkennt, der die relative Schwäche der Verbindung zwischen Sozialwissenschaft und pädagogischer Forschung in Europa eingesteht und versucht sie anzugehen, und der versucht, die Methodik für das Studium des neuen 'Raums' pädagogischer Forschung in Europa zu entwickeln.
Die Zeitschrift wird Aspekte pädagogischer Forschung publizieren, die besondere Fallstudien und Zusammenhänge in der Problematik des Europäische Pädagogische Forschungsraums erläutert.
Lo European Educational Research Journal è stato creato dall'Associazione Europea di Ricerca Pedagogica (EERA) per agevolare le aspirazioni dell'associazione e i suoi membri, ricercatori pedagogici in tutta Europa.
EERA è stato fondato per promuovere la ricerca pedagogica in Europa, per incorraggiare la cooperazione fra le associazioni di ricerca pedagogica e per rendere più semplice la communicazione fra coloro che prendono le decisioni politiche e gli insegnanti. EERA vuole che la sua rivista construisca una communità transnazionale di specialisti attraverso l'idea dello 'Spazio di Ricerca Pedagogica Europea'.
La condizione attuale di ricerca pedagogica in Europa è diversa: ci sono tradizioni e metodologie di ricerca che sono condivise in tutta Europa, mentre altre in cui spesso una esclude l'altra: l'idea della ricerca sta trasformando, spinta dalla poitica, una inchiesta morale in un processo di azione tecnica. Si nota un evidente movimento della ricerca pedagogica dalle università e dipartimenti pubblici ad una gamma di fornitori di servizi pubblici e privati.
Il contesto in cui i ricercatori pedagogici dell'Unione Europea stanno lavorando è uno dove i discorsi della 'Zona di Ricerca Pedagogica Europea' e la 'Zona di Ricerca Europea', messi insieme con altri flussi 'senza frontiere' di programmi internazionalizzati, associazioni private-pubblici e alleanze universitarie, stanno rimodellando l'ambiente della ricerca pedagogica. La sfida per EERA è di capire questo processo e di rendere visibile la sua globalisazzione. Contemporaneamente, la difficoltà di creare uno spazio vitale di ricerca europea è il risultato di una mancanza di scambio di informazioni sulla ricerca pubblica e le politiche nazionali e Europee della ricerca pedagogica. L'Europa è un posto; ma un posto che si trasforma e che è anche un posto immaginato. L'idea dello 'Spazio di Ricerca Pedagogica Europea' può essere una metafora per una pratica intelletuale e sociale che è culturalmente specifica fra i ricercatori pedagogici, che si occupa, in tanti modi diversi, della similarità e la diversità globale e locale. Lo European Educational Research Journal sarà un forum per un dialogo costruttivo che riconosce la diversità e la particolarità, che ammette e cerca di rinforzare la relativa debolezza dei collegamenti fra la scienza sociale e la ricerca pedagogica in Europa, e che cerca di svillupare metodologie per studiare il nuovo 'spazio' di ricerca pedagogica in Europa.
La rivista pubblicherà gli aspetti della ricerca pedagogica che danno luce a casi e contesti particolari all'interno della la problematica dello 'Spazio di Ricerca Pedagogica Europeo'.
EERJ is an international journal that publishes peer-reviewed, cutting-edge scholarship across the full breadth of fields of educational inquiry. The journal’s focus and explicit interest in the European education research arena means that EERJ has created an outstanding record of addressing major European debates about the significance, impacts and effects of education policy, provision and processes across a range of countries and fields. The vitality of the journal is sustained by its commitment to offer independent, critical evaluations of the ways in which education is not a bounded, closed-off policy and practice arena, but it continuously interfaces with local, national, regional and European/global developments, contexts and agendas in all phases and aspects of formal and informal education. Thus, as a flagship journal of the European Education Research Association, EERJ is the world’s premier outlet for research on European education, analysed from a diversity of contemporary and emergent social and educational theories and applying a range or methodological approaches.
EERJ has always sought to reflect and drive the major currents of debate in education research, both in Europe and internationally. Building on this legacy, our vision is to be at the forefront of scholarly efforts to understand and address the production of education problems and solutions, discourses, paradigms, practices and challenges, broadly understood. We encourage submissions that nuance our understanding of the inherently political processes through which these education issues are created, experienced, and responded to. We particularly welcome scholarship that generates new perspectives on some of the core assumptions and debates in European -and global- education research.
Above all, EERJ provides a forum for a diversity of epistemological and methodological approaches. In keeping with the journal’s founding concerns for disciplinary pluralism, we welcome diverse voices and stances, as well as genuinely interdisciplinary research agendas. We continuously aim for a bigger proportion of articles from women scholars and support the discipline-wide effort to see gender parity. We are committed to improving the number of submissions and published articles by authors from underrepresented minority groups, scholars from the European/Global South and the rest of the European periphery, and Early Career Researchers (ECRs).
Peer review policy
The European Educational Research Journal publishes double-blind peer-reviewed papers in special issues and as individual articles. The EERJ reviews submitted papers on the basis of the quality of their argument, the contemporary nature of their work, and the level of 'speaking' to the European and international audience.
Contributions are expected to take into account the wide international readership of EERJ, and exhibit knowledge of previously published articles in the field. Submissions should not only be rigorous and reflexive theoretically and methodologically, but also offer original insights to educational problems and perspectives.
Sotiria Grek | University of Edinburgh, UK |
Paolo Landri | IRPPS, Rome, Italy |
Mathias Decuypere | KU Leuven, Belgium |
Emiliano Grimaldi | University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
Linda Rönneberg | University of Umeå, Sweden |
Christian Ydesen | University of Aalborg, Denmark |
Alli Spring | University of Edinburgh, UK |
Julie Allan | University of Birmingham, UK |
John Benedicto Krejsler | Aarhus University, Denmark |
Pieter Vanden Broeck | UCLouvain: Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium |
Luís Miguel Carvalho | University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Mari Elken | Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education, Norway |
Sharon Gewirtz | King's College London, UK |
Francesca Gobbo | University of Turin, Italy |
Stephen Gorard | Durham University, UK |
Emiliano Grimaldi | University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
Stefan Thomas Hopmann | University of Vienna, Austria |
Marek Kwiek | Poznan University, Poland |
Martin Lawn (Founding Editor) | University of Oxford, UK |
Sverker Lindblad | University of Gothenberg, Sweden |
Eric Mangez | Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium |
Christian Maroy | University of Montreal, Canada |
Kerstin Martens | Bremen University, Germany |
Marcella Milana | Department of Human Sciences, University of Verona, Italy |
Eszter Neumann | Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences, Hungary |
António Nóvoa | University of Lisbon, Portugal |
Professor Nelli Piattoeva | Faculty of Education and Culture, Tampere University, Finland |
Terri Seddon | Monash University, Australia |
Maarten Simons | University of Leuven, Belgium |
Kirsten Sivesind | University of Oslo, Norway |
Tore Sorensen | Universite Catholique of Louvain, Belgium |
Gita Steiner-Khamsi | Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA |
Daniel Tröhler | University of Vienna, Austria |
Anna Tsatsaroni | University of the Peloponnese, Greece |
Florian Waldow | Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany |
Theo Wubbels | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Agnes van Zanten | CNRS, Paris, France |
This Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics
Please read the guidelines below then visit the Journal’s submission site to upload your manuscript. Please note that manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned. Remember you can log in to the submission site at any time to check on the progress of your paper through the peer review process.
Only manuscripts of sufficient quality that meet the aims and scope of European Educational Research Journal will be reviewed.
There are no fees payable to submit or publish in this Journal. Open Access options are available - see section 3.3 below.
As part of the submission process you will be required to warrant that you are submitting your original work, that you have the rights in the work, and that you have obtained and can supply all necessary permissions for the reproduction of any copyright works not owned by you, that you are submitting the work for first publication in the Journal and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has not already been published elsewhere. Please see our guidelines on prior publication and note that European Educational Research may accept submissions of papers that have been posted on pre-print servers; please alert the Editorial Office when submitting (contact details are at the end of these guidelines) and include the DOI for the preprint in the designated field in the manuscript submission system. Authors should not post an updated version of their paper on the preprint server while it is being peer reviewed for possible publication in the journal. If the article is accepted for publication, the author may re-use their work according to the journal's author archiving policy.
If your paper is accepted, you must include a link on your preprint to the final version of your paper.
- What do we publish?
1.1 Aims & Scope
1.2 Article types
1.3 Writing your paper - Editorial policies
2.1 Peer review policy
2.2 Authorship
2.3 Acknowledgements
2.4 Funding
2.5 Declaration of conflicting interests
2.6 Research Data - Publishing policies
3.1 Publication ethics
3.2 Contributor's publishing agreement
3.3 Open access and author archiving - Preparing your manuscript
4.1 Formatting
4.2 Artwork, figures and other graphics
4.3 Supplemental material
4.4 Reference style
4.5 English language editing services - Submitting your manuscript
5.2 Information required for completing your submission
5.3 Permissions - On acceptance and publication
6.1 Sage Production
6.2 Online First publication
6.3 Access to your published article
6.4 Promoting your article - Further information
Before submitting your manuscript to European Educational Research Journal, please ensure you have read the Aims & Scope.
Original Research papers, including individual submissions, contributions to a special issue, ECER keynote conference papers, ECER preconference best papers. These should be 7,000 to 8,000 words (indicative) with a max of 10,000 if justified (not counting bibliography and references).
Reviews should be 3,000 to 4,000 words (indicative) with a maximum 6,000, depending on the number of books being reviewed (not counting bibliography and references).
The Essay Review section of the journal presents and discusses important books and research reports which are of interest to the European Educational Research Community (see our policy statement). Essays are not limited to simple one page reviews. They should rather be conceived as discussion papers that not only present publications but also extensively discuss and elaborate on them. An essay can deal with one or more books/reports. The indicative expected length is 3000 to 4000 words (with a maximum of 6000). The Essay Review Section has a specific interest in presenting and elaborating on non-English books and reports. Of course, essay reviews dealing with publications in English can also be submitted. Authors of the book themselves cannot submit an essay on their own work. More generally, authors of the essays should not be involved closely with the authors of the book/report they are reviewing.
Download EERJ’s special issue procedures
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Any correspondence, queries or additional requests for information on the manuscript submission process should be sent to the European Educational Research Journal editorial office as follows:
Paolo Landri ( and Sotiria Grek (