Doing Your PGCE at M-level
A Guide for Students
- Keira Sewell - Education Consultant
Master's-level study is now a well established component of PGCE courses and this new edition of the best selling student guide offers a clear and concise overview of Master's level aspects in teacher education.
This Second Edition includes discussion of recent developments in education policy, greater coverage of reflective practice in school-based training and up-to-date advice on how to get a teaching job at the end of your course.
With new reflective activities designed to help students develop critical skills, and improved references to additional material, this book is essential reading for students on PGCE courses in primary and secondary education.
Keira Sewell leads Visionary Education (, an education consultancy covering teacher training, science education, strategic development and business and industry partnerships.
Contrbutors to the book are members of the primary and secondary PGCE teams at the University of Southampton, Edge Hill University, the University of Dundee and an independent consultant supporting Higher Education Institutions.
Praise for the book:
"Doing your PGCE at M level is a valuable guide designed to enable students to achieve success. Its approach, using clear explanations and case studies enable trainees to engage at a critical level and understand the potential benefits this can bring to them personally and professionally.
Moving forward from the first edition in a way that incorporates education policy from recent fast moving times this enables trainees to critique and identify how the education arena is shaped. This new edition also enables trainees to develop many of the key skills of M-Level work; the development of reflective activities to enable deep reflection and critical analysis is a welcome development.
This comprehensive text will be a valuable resource for anyone training to be a PGCE teacher." - Tim Roberts, PGCE Programme Director, University of Hertfordshire
This is a very useful text for all those students who are looking for M level credits as part of their PGCE.
Added as a reading for those that wish to focus their PGCE at M level. More and more students are aiming to gain the M level credits on offer as part of the PGCE and this book helps focus them.
Doing your PGCE at M-level is an essential reference text your students entering the teaching profession. There are clear exemplars and case studies for students to set their own benchmarks within the teaching profession. This is also useful for some undergraduate students who are doing educational research and preparing for further progression on PGCEs
This book is an excellent guide for PGCE students who are studying at M level because it supports their study, guides them through the process and shows the relevance of continuing their study once they have qualified as teachers.
This will be useful but as a support text
A useful guide for students beginning a PGCE programme at M Level.
This is an excellent resource for those people finding it difficult to produce reflective material for assignments.
Clear, straightforward and addresses many common issues faced by postgraduate students
A very user friendly text which clearer outlines why PGCE work needs to be at M level and how to proceed step by step with M level work.
Doing your PGCE at M Level helps guide and support students on choosing which route to apply for to gain employment as a teacher. It gives a clear explanation of the 2 awards available, those being PGCE at M level and the PGCE at H level.
The book examines how M level study supports the development of a critically reflective teacher, encouraging the reader to consider how reflective practice can enable the student to move forward with their studies and consequent employment. It provides a good range of case studies from the authors own experiences and practices which the reader can benefit from and relate to. The book also discusses the importance of research in the development of educational theory and looks at ways in which the reader can research their own practice.
It is a highly recommended book to help support student on PGCE courses