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633 Results Found for "product"


SAGE Research Methods Video and Index on Censorship magazine win awards for Publication Excellence

SAGE Publishing is proud to announce that SAGE Research Methods Video received an Award of Excellence and Index on Censorship magazine received a Grand Award – the top honor – from the Annual Awards for Publication Excellence (APEX Awards).  SAGE Research Methods Video is a collection of nearly 500 streaming videos launched in 2016 designed to teach students and researchers the research process.

How do sports news shows disguise sexism against women’s sports?

Sports news shows cover women’s sports in a dull, lackluster manner, making women’s sports seem less exciting and entertaining than men’s, according to the latest research in a study spanning 25 years. Based on its latest iteration in 2014, the study finds that sexist coverage of women’s sports is often subtle, and therefore difficult to challenge. The study is out today in Gender & Society, a SAGE Publishing journal.

New white paper suggests collaborative improvements for discoverability of scholarly content

Los Angeles, CA - In a changing academic environment, discoverability of scholarly content demands cooperative efforts across the communications supply chain. A new SAGE white paper, out today, summarizes the current discovery landscape for scholarly communications, advocates for cooperative efforts across the industry, and proposes specific recommendations for discoverability improvement for librarians, publishers, and service providers.

Custom Publishing Service

Draw on SAGE’s vast and diverse list of books and journals to create a custom book specifically suited to your students’ needs.

If you can’t find that one textbook that perfectly suits the need of your course and students, we’re very pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to create your own custom textbook. You can choose from across our publishing range, including: journal articles from SAGE-owned journals, textbook chapters, reference works (where copyright lies with SAGE) and academic supplementary texts and monographs.

SAGE Publishing acquires journal portfolio from prominent humanities and social science publisher, IP Publishing

London, UK. – SAGE Publishing, one of the world’s leading independent and academic publishers today announced the purchase of the full journal portfolio of academic journals publisher, IP Publishing Ltd.

IP Publishing Ltd is an independent company specializing in the publication of referred academic and professional journals within the humanities and social sciences. As of April 1st SAGE will be publishing the following five titles:

How did today’s Washington get so politically divided?

CQ Press examines the pivotal 2014 election year in America Votes 31

Just two years after reelecting President Obama, how did Americans sweep Democratic power from the Senate and give Republicans even greater control of the House? Focused on election results and key data by county and district for the House, Senate, and governors’ elections from the 2013–2014 election year, America Votes 31 is published today by CQ Press (an imprint of SAGE Publishing).
