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SAGE supports access to information in Cambodia

SAGE announces new agreement with Cam-eIFL supporting global access to electronic resources

London - SAGE today was delighted to announce an extended partnership with the eIFL Foundation scheme. The extended agreement offers access to SAGE Journals (SJ) online and SAGE Research Methods (SRM) to all 18 members of the foundations branch in Cambodia, Cam-eIFL.

Cam Cockrell

Cam Cockrell is an Associate Professor of Accountancy at the Xavier University.

Cam Escoffery, PhD, MPH, CHES

Cam Escoffery is Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education in the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University and the Co-PI of the Emory Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network, which aims to accelerate the translation of evidence-based knowledge into practice in local communities. She has worked in the area of cancer prevention and control for over a decade, focusing on tobacco control and cancer screening. Dr.

Conferences and Events


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